Kevin Campbell. Frontside air. Photo: Hector Heredia "Chetos"

Kampsa Freak Carnival – Basque country

On February 16th, we celebrated the Kampsa Freak Carnival at Kampsa skatepark in Basque Country. A fun and friendly session with guys from Bilbao, Pamplona and some towns around San Sebastian, seasoned with beers and fun costumes. – Chetos

La Kantera “Pool Session”

On October 6th, we tried for the 4th time to have the “Pool Session” in La Kantera organized by La Kantera Skate Eskola The children could skate the other part of the skate park, for two hours, but the rain started, and the organisation decided to make some fun, for example the biggest power slides, the best trick in the ramp, etc.