
Fiesta Des Ursulines 2012 – Bruxelles, Belgium

The Fiesta Des Urulines is a crazy day of eccentricity that takes place in the heart of Brussels in Belgium once a year. Organized by the Brusk (is dead) collective, this skate-music party is a full day fiesta combining concrete bowl skating with music ranging from punk to rock n roll to jazz and electro along with silkscreening demos, organic food, specialty belgium beers, a grafitti session, and another skate session on the D.I.Y street course which was built the day before along with a full wooden shack sun shade 0 star sleeping accommodation.

Logr Crew (Czech Republic) discover Beauty and the Beast

One time LOGR got packed up, got into the van, got the engine started for a journey through Europe. Lógr lived from one day to another with no roof above, nowhere to sleep and without knowing what to expect the next morning. And on the road, we hit the beautiful Swiss city of Zürich, where we met Beauty and the Beast!

D.R.I. + Scheisse Minnelli. Live in Germany

I first checked out Scheisse Manelli back in 2006 at the Jury Room in Santa Cruz. Advertised as “skate punk” from Germany, I had to go check them out. Classic hardcore punk ‘n’ roll with humorous songs about skateboarding, rebellion, and running from the cops. I asked the singer, Samuel el Action for a CD after the show, to review it in my old magazine, Concussion. For the next five years, every time they were playing in California, I was in Germany, and every time they played in Germany, I was in California. Finally, five years later, we were both in the same city at the same time.