Ruhrpott 2022 – Germany

With Denmark pretty nearby we usually go North when doing road trips, but this time we went the other way to the Ruhrpott area, about 350 km south west starting from Hamburg…and fuck, we were not disappointed.

ZWZ DIY, Zürich – Switzerland

We, a team of experienced and inexperienced DIY skatepark builders, craft- as noncraftpersons, skaters and non-skaters, have designed and built a concrete element in a participatory process

Luserway – Germany

For about eight years, a couple of friends and I have been going on a skate trip for about a week around Easter time.

2 bowls 1 cup – Bonn, Germany

The bowls have been there since last year and allready saw some good shredding, but if you get the right people together at one day, aka having the first contest things get …different.

Kalkonia DIY – Germany

The project was launched in 2017 and most of what was accomplished there we learned on the spot. Beneft concerts have brought us donations, stone

Skate Days Alte VHS, Traumspot Nr. 2 – Germany

Music room, screenprint, salon, childrenchaosroom, workshop, atelier, basementclub, darkroom, several meeting rooms, gallery, concert room, sportsroom, playroom & jungle toilet inside the building who became known as “Alte VHS”.

Hanover DIY – Germany

This year we discovered a tight and steep ditch close to the swimming spot. Some friends and bmx riders already cleaned a little part of the ditch and filled some cracks, but it was still barely possible to ride with a board…

DIY Move Plaza, Lindau – Germany

The town we’re talking about is Lindau (Bodensee) at the Lake of Constance. Located in the deepest south of Germany, next to Austria and Switzerland and at the foot of the Alps.