BBC Pool – Barbeque DIY France

Jacques Séguéla, a french politician once said “If at 50 years old you don’t own a Rolex, it means you messed up something in your life”. Yeah right… Enzo is quite far to be 50 yet (he’s actually only 19) and on the watch he doesn’t own, it’s only writing “NOW” anyway. Whatever, since over a year, this kid and his crew were digging, by hand, a fucking huge hole which is now probably one the best backyard pool in France ! And yep, those guys shot in one go ! God damn legends.

Saint Jean de Maurienne DIY – French Alps

In 2018, the YCM crew was already more experienced, so we built even more, including a mini version of the Hirschgarten pool, a bowl, and the now famous Hell’s gate: 3,25m high with over 60cm of vert, all hand stacked (never again !).


Memory imagery is a family video about what’s going on out there. #beaulieudiy #CVNhole

David Cabaret. Astusss mastermind. Backside disaster. Photo: Matthieu Gasc

Rabastock Fest 2016 • July 22-23rd

Based on free entrance, cheap beer, good music bands and huge skateboard sessions, this story had started from nothing. No money to make the stage, no wood to build the skatepark, the bands were plugged on an old tractor power take-off and the park was built out of pallets and plywood found here and there, sometimes during the night when everybody was asleep! These are just a few examples of what DIY means!