Vassivière mega cradle

Euro Gypsy Trip

European bowl & diy hunt by four gypsy homies.

Ottone Bowl DIY – Lodi, Italy

Two years ago I started digging a pool in my town Lodi. The city authorized the skate association to do that but after a while I found asbestos in the dirt.. it’s not toxic but really harmful if you inhale it. I don’t know if you have that shit where you live, but it’s pretty big in Italy though. Somebody hid the asbestos back in the day. I quit with that. I wasted six hundred euros…

João Sales. Stlying out a smith grind on his own creation.

Fabrica 22 – Lisbon, Portugal

I think of Love and Dedication in several areas of life and I can surely identify these two feelings whenever I see them. This struck me again recently when I saw a raw space, dirty, wet and ugly, turn into an awesome indoor skateable area made with that Love and Dedication I mentioned earlier.

Filming. Me and Krzysiek Poskrobko. Gdańsk, Poland. Photo: Kuba Baczkowski

Grey Area – putting Polish skateboarding on the Euro map

Last year came out new polish skateboard movie Grey Area. Everybody was super hyped. Dirty spots, DIY concrete and creativity on board. We interviewed Kuba Kaczmarczyk, the guy behind the whole thing, to ask some haunting questions.