Grid Search – by Ozzie Ausband

4:00 am. Darkness hid the world away. I rose and looked out of the window. A streetlight glittered coldly across the street. Shadows. The night and darkness held a thousand horrors. I made coffee & thought that someone was probably bleeding in a gutter somewhere. I thought of those that have it all & those forgotten. It’s a crazy world. Society. Respectability….

Pool Block Party DVD released!

Pool Block Party premiered yesterday in Southern California and is now available for purchase direct from Peacock, the filmmaker. Peacock also made pool skating cult classics, Cancer Dust and Tresslashing. This video features lots of the best pool skaters ever skating tons of backyard pools. Rumors are going around that this is the best pool skating video EVER!

Dietsches’s Pool Dreams of Californication

Dietsches, founder of OMSA (Old Men Skate Association), in Düsseldorf, Germany, headed over to Southern California in the dead of German winter to skate some pools and hang out in the California sun with his friend Keith Stephenson (owner of Addikt Skateboards) as well as Lance Mountain, pool skate writer Ozzie, Kenny King, Tony Alva, Jay Adams and more… sometimes dreams can become reality.