Kobwebs DIY – England

It was the summer of 2011 that Frank asked his dad if he could put a little wooden mini ramp in his dad’s old cow shed which was just full of beat up old vans and various bits of knackered old equipment. His dad said he could have one corner of the shed. …

Tobias Haussmann. Back smith.

The Cutie DIY – Zürich, Switerzland

The Beauty was our beloved indoor Pool in the Autonomous Beauty Salon in Zürich. Since the squat got evicted in spring 2014, we started to plan for a new winter spot.

Kiel DIY – northern Germany

Ever since I saw Pontus Alv’s “Strongest of the Strange” I wanted to build some skate stuff myself. The film blew my mind // great skating, artwork and DIY, but especially the short moaning scene. It sounded all so familiar to me: no time, no spots to skate, no motivation.

Confusion Magazine – Issue #10 – out now

Featuring interviews with Cody Lockwood, Aref Bobby Koushesh, and artist French. DIY Skate spot check outs on Salamander Ranch (USA), Bob’s Spot (England), Wörgl DIY (Austria), and Down by the River (France). And way way more…

Hayden Salter. Front Rock Layback. Photo: Tom Frankham

Plymouth DIY – England

The spot is called Plymouth DIY. We decided to build something really steep and whippy because every skatepark around here is really small and mellow.