Confusion Magazine – issue #12 – out now

DIY Skate spot check outs:
NOR CAL DIY Spot Guide (Canada), Mister Wilson DIY (Germany)
Alm DIY (Austria), Spoff DIY (Austria), RCS DIY (Sweden), Cherry Bowl (Switzerland). Skate features / interviews include: Chris Russell, Diego Doural, Zach Cusano, Henri von Stanislawski, The Grim Creepers, Mark Munson,
Bart Saric, Tadej Vaukman and of course way more…

Diego Doural. Photo: Nicola Debernardi

Concrete countryside mini ramp – Basque country

The plan is to go to a mini ramp built in the middle of nature. I met Diego with his girlfriend Erika and we drove to the place which is almost on the border with France. When we got there I found this concrete beauty, built at the bottom of a small valley…

Kevin Campbell. Frontside air. Photo: Hector Heredia "Chetos"

Kampsa Freak Carnival – Basque country

On February 16th, we celebrated the Kampsa Freak Carnival at Kampsa skatepark in Basque Country. A fun and friendly session with guys from Bilbao, Pamplona and some towns around San Sebastian, seasoned with beers and fun costumes. – Chetos

Kampsa II on Fire – Basque Country

Kampsa II On Fire is a photo shoot that came up during one of the many filming sessions for the “20 years Kampsa” documentary which will see the light very soon. Thanks to some powerful spotlights, a fog machine and all the Kampsa people, we got a spectacular session.