Daryl Nobbs. Frontside rockslide over the stairs. Gjøvik. Photo: David Jedda

Betongpark boys skating and creating in Norway

A few years ago on a one off build in Norway with a British company, I met a couple of awesome Norwegians with big plans. We kept in touch and soon after they asked me if i wanted to be involved in their Norwegian skatepark venture, for some reason they were under the impression I really knew what I was doing… – Daryl Nobbs

Hullet DIY – Copenhagen, Denmark

“It started when a group of young skaters from Wonderland got shut down from building a new spot next to Wonderland in Christinia. So the same day they moved there efforts around the city until they found the spot where Hullet is at now….” – Danger

Danger!…Sean Gutierrez in Germany

CONSOLIDATED SKATEBOARDS riders Ryan “DANGER” Carruthers and Sean Gutierrez came through Köln, Germany for a week and tore up everything in sight. Hagen Mickey Mouse Pool, Siegburg, and Lohse Ramp.

Brusk Collective’s: Fiesta Des Ursulines

Brusk Collective from Brussels, Belgium recently hosted the “Fiesta Des Ursulines” in the Square Des Uruslines where 4 years ago they completed their social-urbanistic project with the completion of their first concrete bowl and street skating area. They invited part of the Consolidated team (Roberto Alemañ, Sean Gutierrez, and Danger), to celebrate the release of their collab Brusk/Consolidated board. Roberto would come up from Spain, and Sean & Danger would make this event the beginning of 6 months in Europe, where they are building a new park with Grindline in Copenhagen.

Brusk Collective / Consolidated Skate Team in Brussels/Belgium

This Saturday, May 8th, is the Fiesta Des Ursulines, in the Square des Ursulines in Brussels, Belgium.
This event celebrates Brusk Collective’s success of their social-urbanistic project of creating the bowl in the Square des Ursalines 4 years ago.
Consolidated team rider’s SEAN GUTIERREZ, DANGER & ROBERTO ALEMAN will be skating it up between punk bands, local Belgium Beer tastings, fireworks with an “anarchistic” live band.