Dietsches. Frontside grind. Benesse-maremne, Capbreton.

OMSA Tour De France

It all started five years ago when some dude from France posted photos from the Malmö Ultra Bowl contest… One of the photos was also of me and since then I meet Fred every year and he invites me to come to France. As I was only in a few places in France in all the years, the time had come! And I’m still fully stoked – so read on…

Ottone Bowl DIY – Lodi, Italy

Two years ago I started digging a pool in my town Lodi. The city authorized the skate association to do that but after a while I found asbestos in the dirt.. it’s not toxic but really harmful if you inhale it. I don’t know if you have that shit where you live, but it’s pretty big in Italy though. Somebody hid the asbestos back in the day. I quit with that. I wasted six hundred euros…

Just go. Wilhelmsburg park.

Sweaty Sausages. Hamburg, Germany – 2014

No amount of anti perspirant could have prepared us for this year’s trip. The sausage gods of Hamburg felt it was fit to slowly roast our pale British skins and make skateboarding extra difficult. Six gents sharing a small room created some very interesting smells and we were drinking more water than von raven this time round…