Hell Curving Party 2012: Guineueta – Barcelona, Spain

Twenty years of Guineueta skatepark and next year is the 10th anniversary of the corner me and my friend Dany built… Barcelona didn’t have any skateparks, everything was shit and we needed to build something to skate a real one… that was the idea of building that D.I.Y.

BSS Crew – Basque Country skate tour

So we made another skate trip this summer, to the Basque Country! We stayed each night at the beach or near the skatepark and prepared our meals with a barbeque or a gas cooker. When we arrived in Bilbao we just picked up our rental car and directly headed to the first spot, it was an awesome obstacle park in the center of Bilbao with a huge halfpipe and a miniramp with a hip…

Ceramica DIY – Portugal

“We live in a small country, we crossed through nother economic crisis, our politicians do not know how to spend our money. We thought the following: let us take it that nobody wants to do what we want. In Leiria there are no shortage of places to skate. We have a skatepark, a beautiful square full of marble curbs, a half dozen street spots and a mini ramp in the woods. But Ceramica is where we feel good. Far from everything and everyone, here we have the freedom and tranquility for a few beers, barbecues , creating concrete ramps without scooters, rollers and bmxers to cross our path. Do it yourself, fuck the rest.