New CONFUSION T-Shirt Designs

New CONFUSION T-Shirts and a few limited reprints. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SKATESHOP and buy the t-shirts directly from a real skateshop. You can find out where to find Confusion here. If your local skateshop doesn’t sell Confusion magazine or any Confusion merchandise, ask them to, or send us the name and contact of your local shop to

Psychedelic Scribble Skate Wave – Offenau, Germany

“The building of room installation… or whatever people would call it… what for me was important in this installation is to build something out of dumpster and buying less as possible things and on the end was only screws, car gas… since diy is run by corporations, time is to build by death of society.” – Sergej Vutuc

Rampa Del Perro (Dog Ramp) – Girona, Spain

Santa Coloma de Farnés is a litte town in the middle of the forest in Girona, its a crazzy spot whith all volcanos but whitout activiti rigth now…

there is a bunch of old farmer houses abandoned in the area.
Some hippies from the town decided to start to live in one of the farm houses and started to make activities in the house for the kids, like football, basketball, bicicross, escalation,etc.. i dont know exacly why but they decided to build something for skate there.