Logr Crew (Czech Republic) discover Beauty and the Beast

One time LOGR got packed up, got into the van, got the engine started for a journey through Europe. Lógr lived from one day to another with no roof above, nowhere to sleep and without knowing what to expect the next morning. And on the road, we hit the beautiful Swiss city of Zürich, where we met Beauty and the Beast!

The Hype Train

The Hype Train is a crew of skateboarders based out of San Diego, California, on a mission to build and destroy ‘crete wherever it lays. Here’s a trailer for the film, premiering January 2013.

Kampsa II on Fire – Basque Country

Kampsa II On Fire is a photo shoot that came up during one of the many filming sessions for the “20 years Kampsa” documentary which will see the light very soon. Thanks to some powerful spotlights, a fog machine and all the Kampsa people, we got a spectacular session.