CPH 22 Trip

When living in North Germany, an annual Denmark skate trip is pretty much obligatory. This May we went to Copenhagen to skate some of the well-known spots

KANOA Interrail 2019

KANOA is a skatecrew from Barcelona, a group of friends who skate everyday. For the love of skateboarding, friendship & KANOA.

Life goes on and we live far from eachother now, so even if not all the crew was at the Interrail it was kind of a reunion.

Joaco, Jaume & Alex

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2019 was time for the 10th annual skate tour of the Rozkurwiel Crew from Poland

Berber Brüder (How we skated 20 different countries in less than a year)

After almost one year in a van, 26,000 km, about 2000€ spent on fuel, 20 different countries visited, almost 40 DIY spots skated, destroyed more than 20 decks in total, two 4 week lasting injuries, two languages refreshed, one oil change made, four car lamps replaced (not having any other troubles with the van), 2000 video clips collected for our film, as well as being in love with skateboarding every single day we are still friends. Even more than one can tell. For us that was the ultimate skateboarding experience that will never be forgotten.

Wonderland diy loop in Christiania

It was early August and Wonderland’s 17th birthday was coming up on September 26th. We wanted to build more on the path along Wonderland and after seeing a bunch of fox trails, we wanted to have one all the way around Wonderland. Imagining and dreaming, we spoke about a full pipe (thinking they can’t be so expensive those used for draining), so I called our sewer guy…

Hullet DIY – Copenhagen, Denmark

“It started when a group of young skaters from Wonderland got shut down from building a new spot next to Wonderland in Christinia. So the same day they moved there efforts around the city until they found the spot where Hullet is at now….” – Danger

Alis floating miniramp – Copenhagen, Denmark

Alis have every year been a part of Distortion – first in Wonderland and then later at the street parties around the city. This year it moved to the habour side to be able to accommodate the big crowd, so they asked if we wanted to join in with some fun and off course we did.