Schetg Gru Mini Madness – Laax, Switzerland
The Riders Club turns into more than just a party venue and skaters from all over Switzerland come up to LAAX to celebrate the annual mini-ramp contest in the nightclub.
The Riders Club turns into more than just a party venue and skaters from all over Switzerland come up to LAAX to celebrate the annual mini-ramp contest in the nightclub.
People from all over Europe gathered to break down old features and build new ones, all on a voluntary basis, appreciating the beautiful place and its community.
On May 30th, 2023 was the final Arteskate party at LLSP skatepark in Torrelavega, Cantabria … Keep reading
Recap of three days of skateboarding, music and madness at the indoor DIY in Mechelen, Belgium known as ‘The Awarehouse’ !
Team Trouble’s little bro, they set up a miniramp in the same club that TT parties go down. Also there was some art on decks and a bit of tattooing. Just all packed in one day instead a whole week.
Board Spirit Marseille organized at La Friche Belle de Mai the “SKATEPUNK”: aconcept as simple as it iss obvious: skateboarding, punk rock, screaming, bruises, and countless hangovers.
Last month, The Tournament took place with Cruzade skateboards at Ramputene DIY under the bridge in Donostia/San Sebastian
Long story short: this is something more than just a contest, it’s a family thing, with incredible dedication. Skateboarding as skateboarding should be.
The skate scene in Berlin and around was pretty ready and impatient for this event on September 1st. People visited the pool weeks before it was finished. But after five months of work, we were ready to open it to the public on this Friday afternoon.