2ER D.I.Y JAM – Hannover, Germany (Part 1)

On arrival I don’t think anyone really knew what we were getting ourselves into for the following week back in early June in Hannover, Germany. The basic concept was that the 2er [tsvi-er] crew had the idea to invite D.I.Y skate crews from all corners of Europe to come to their spot and each team would be given three days to build something.

The Beauty – D.I.Y Pool – Zürich, Switzerland

When we first entered the room, it was a full junkyard. But now, it is really a BEAUTY. Smooth to skate, a good couch, even a decent sound system. Over a year, we were working in small steps until we completed our indoor pool. We learned with every step new ways of building, so you’ll feel it in every corner, which are all different to skate, due to the learning process.

Powell Peralta Europe Tour (Part 2)

“Every trip has it’s ups and downs. Whether it be not finding places to stay, long drives, weather, etc… After Sweden and Denmark we were sure that we were on an “up”. We get picked up in Malmö after having to get ahold of Brad through his girlfriend’s instagram. The drive was easy with a spacious van and we even ended up taking a ferry somewhere in there as well. My goal was to only speak German for as long we were in Germany. So I was less than talkative for the first four or so hours driving. I ended up breaking language when we ran into some of our friends from the States at a completely random rest stop off the German highway. A few English words with the homies and we’re off to Munster to skate for a couple of days….” – Steven Reeves

Sergej Vutuc – Painful reminder

“…what was important for me was to work with used material as much as possible to use things that we left – to leave and make an installation which has a double function… and on skateboard sculpture, for me is everytime kind of self play with things that i know, saw, skate and visions… the important part for me of skateboarding is to give things new meaning to see and use something what is not made for it… exploring perception and body…. first i play with many things that we know about skateboarding and objects which are skateable in simple way… but to see the change of an object meaning that people hang clothing and things on “artpeace” was something like giving new meaning to work, new step interaction…breathing…” – sergej vutuc

Confusion Magazine (issue #5) free online download

Confusion Magazine issue # 5 now available as a free online download. But please support CONFUSION MAGAZINE by subscribing to the print edition, otherwise Confusion Magazine will ONLY be available online. Without YOUR support, Confusion Magazine can not exist.

Skatehouse DIY – Lewes, England

This all began for me at the luxurious point at which £20,000 of funding had already been secured by a local skatepark development worker, however it became clear that the funders didn’t actually want to part with the money for various reasons and seemed pretty negative when they realised I had half a clue as to how to pull this off!

Benefit Show for Parisite DIY Skatepark

Parisite DIY: New Orleans, Louisiana

PARISITE DIY is the skate park of New Orleans. It is located on and
named after Paris Avenue. Formed in 2012 after the demolition of, “The
Peach Orchard.”

Wrex Cook – Built to Skate

“What can one say about my best friend? He eats sleeps and breathes skateboarding. If he couldn’t be enveloped in skateboarding, I truly believe he would dry up and turn to dust. His entire life has been dedicated to progression through ideas and fruition. It all started with exploring on his bike with a milk crate and to this day, he is still constructing skate obstacles and teaching people how to take their skateboarding destiny into their own hands through doing it themselves…” – Kim Cook

General Shermans Radius Floats

Pista de Skate, Ilhabela skatepark – Brazil

I did four days of crete with Flyramp. Super hot and humid down there and the mud went off super fast… We were on this island, so neat! Ilhabela now has a great Pista de Skate! The hip air is Ulysses Pinna, he’s stoked, lives two blocks from the park, brought us sodies and helped clean up and first sesh ripper. BBQs and waterfall picinas… Everyone there was so happy! Theres’ a photo of the crete haulers too. Passion Fruit trowel, aka Maracuja blade. GSRF (General Sherman’s Radius Floats) packing up for the states… Sick harbor and sunrays beamin… Ilhabela 2012.” – Soup