Fatix DIY – Paris

I hate my parents can still resonate in the adolescent head of the skateboarder you are. It’s perhaps still the case, but try to love your friends’ parents because they could agree to give you part of their garden to build a sort of Steppe Side style / DIY skate spot. I don’t know them but I start to love them too.

Steve Wells.

FDR Skatepark – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

FDR Skatepark began its life in 1996 with a few small obstacles built by the City of Philadelphia in an attempt to meet the needs of a growing community. In true D-I-Y fashion, local skaters soon gathered their resources and began the ongoing construction of a space of their own design. Today, FDR is recognized throughout the world as a landmark in the skateboarding community. It has been host to heroes, villains, triumph, and tragedy…

DIY Busua Beach – Ghana, Africa

After a surf holiday in Ghana in the winter of 2010, Michael offered to buy piece of land in Paradise village in Busua (west Ghana coast). The dream of opening their own hostel would become a reality and Michedetermines that he must build Ghana’s first skatespot in its plot.

UNO DIY – Melbourne, Australia

With a lot of hard work from all the homies, an abandoned lot within the northern suburbs of Melbourne, containing most resources that were required, was quickly cleaned and concreted within 2 weeks.

Boldrider art sale – concrete fund raiser – Postojna, Slovenia

“There was just one session on the indoor mini ramp at Pumpa because outside it was raining so we couldn’t skate the bowl. There were different artists selling art, photos, zines, cds, lps and other things. We sold them to collect money for buying new concrete. That’s it!” – Deso / R.O.W.

Pontus Alv skates barriers like he invented them. We used to be good friends, but since he has his own skateboard company (Polar skateboards) he turns down my artworks and barely returns my emails. Thing is, I am all about unconditional love these days, therefore, impervious to rejection.

CONS SPACE 001 BCN – Barcelona, Spain

On my way to Barcelona to infiltrate as a double agent: working for a big multinational as an artist and at the same time working as photojournalist for this almighty underground skateboard magazine. Self-portrait taken inside the train bathroom. Fuck airports and their tight-ass regulations. In the train I can bring a pair of big scissors, a knife, a skateboard and lots and lots of liquids.