Pumpa Party 2013 – Postojna, Slovenia

The Boldrider’s guys have organized two days of party and skate sesh, with16 bands playing, because they were supposed to destroy all the concrete and the vert ramp at the gas station in Postojna. I was so sad about that, but so hyped at the same time to meet up with all the guys. Whoever was there knows the situation… the atmosphere was so rad.

2er Builders Jam – Hannover, Germany – Part 1 & 2

On arrival I don’t think anyone really knew what we were getting ourselves in for the following week back in early June in Hannover, Germany. The basic idea was that the 2 er – ‘the two stair’ Crew had the idea to invite D.I.Y (Do It Yourself) Skate crews from all corners of Europe to come to their spot and each team would be given 3 days to build something.

YOKOO "Shiki" SHIKI. Niigata. Front rock. Photo: CANBIN

Introduction of Japanese skate scene

These are daily lives and ways of skateboarders in Japan, introduced by a local skateboarder who doesn’t belong to any Japanese distribution or corporation.

Slaughterhouse DIY – France

It was built in in a old slaughterhouse. It was known as Abbatoire 16 which means Slaugtherhouse 16 in french.

Michael Nadler and Georg Nadler. Noseblunt and blunt.

5boro mini ramp – Gmunden, Austria

These photos are taken at the after party of the Rumble in the Park organized by Micheal Nadler, behind the 5boro shop in Gmunden, Austria.

Confusion Magazine - Issue #7 - out now!

Confusion Magazine – Issue #7 – Out now!

Confusion Magazine – Issue #7 – now available! Featuring interviews with Josh “Skreech” Sandoval (USA), Koekie (Belgium), Morph (New Zealand), Scott Bourne (USA/France), Javier Mendizabal (Basque), Lennart “Lensen” Efsing (Germany)

A Day in the Life of Francisco “França” Lopez – Portuguese skatepark designer

One of the leading names in Portugal is Francisco “França” Lopez.

With over a quarter century with a skateboard under his feet, father of a kid who already has amazing skateboarding in his veins, team manager of the Portuguese DC Shoes, and the architect skater with more skate parks designed in Portugal than any other is now facing one of the biggest challenges of his career: create a company to build skate parks, starting at Parque das Gerações. I spent one day with him to try to understand how he can manage all this and still rip like a kid.

MY DIY overview.

MY D.I.Y. – Atwater, California

“I’ve been doing concrete work for about fifteen years. It was just a job and had never occurred to me to use my knowledge of concrete for skateboarding until I met the Vagabond crew.” – Gene Boles