DIY Skateplaza Resthof Steyr – Upper Austria

The Skateboard Plaza Resthof, located in steyr/upper-austria, was created during the year 2012 by local skateboarders and friends. Our main goal was to create skateboard ramps which fit our needs.

Herzblut at the Beauty DIY – Zürich, Switzerland

The Beauty is our winter spot. Rough, cold and dusty. Sketchy trannies and more then often some gravel in the corners. It’s located in a wonderful squat called “Autnomous Beauty Salon” in Zurich. We built it after we finished the Beast as a nice winter option.

Pyssling wallride

Coping Mechanism – Phil Evans’ documentary about Malmö, skateboarding and concrete

Phil Evans came to Malmö with his super8 camera about seven years ago and he has burned several miles of film on the subject since then. In many of Phil’s movies there has been a connection to Malmö in one way or another so it was inevitable that Phil was going to make a full length movie about the skate scene in Malmö.

Santeri Kulmala - Fs rock n roll @ Ruoke DIY. (Before the renovation)

Ruoke DIY – Finland

The spot is about 10 km from Jyvaskyla, near Ruoke village in the middle of nowhere on this abandoned highway stop. Those barriers have been there for ages and we all have had our eyes on them for years. Two years ago Ville and few other guys started this spot by doing a small concrete tranny to make one of those barriers skateable

Brahm has been ripping Derby for decades. Noseblunt slide over the hip, before most.

Weekend at Derby – Santa Cruz, California

Derby Park is one of the oldest surviving public skateparks in North America. Built in the late 70s by Ken Wormhoudt, the park was controversially rebuilt mid 2012 because city officials felt the “timeworn curves and slopes of Derby had become too dangerous to allow.”

My girlfriend Anna sunbathing as we finish the first pour of the summer. Notice T-Mo's unfinished graffiti post on the top left of the pool. That guy is cut for life.

Hermann’s Hole DIY – Missouri

“I guess I’ll start with Thrasher Skate Rock…. I thought because my place is in the middle of nowhere… that very few people would show up on a Monday night. But I was wrong.. The weekend was full of skating, creating and positive energy, until Thrasher showed up…” – JP Kraus

The Living Room – Germany

The hall existed since around 2008, after the owner of the house allowed skateboarding in the empty building. It all started with small basic obstacles, like curbs. Nothing special, because nobody thought that we could stay for such a long time there.

Lloyd Houston. No comply tail and Joel Taylor 5-0. Photo: Toby Monks

Aberystwyth D.I.Y – Wales

It’s a rough ass micro-coaster, the sort of thing you’d love to hate, but we built it, so we shred it.

Hullet DIY – Copenhagen, Denmark

“It started when a group of young skaters from Wonderland got shut down from building a new spot next to Wonderland in Christinia. So the same day they moved there efforts around the city until they found the spot where Hullet is at now….” – Danger

Hagen-Haspe skatepark make-over – Germany

Ever since the old funbox in Hagen-Haspe got torn down the park needed a new main obstacle. With the Help of Klaas Kleinschmidt, from the Skateboard e.V. of Hagen, Ur-Haspe local Andre Neubert, and myself, we got the chance to give the park a little make over.