Home Sweet Bowl – Northern Germany

I guess most skaters’ dream is to settle down at some point in their lives on a property with a little bowl in the backyard, or at least some kind of private shredable terrain such as an indoor miniramp.

El Ser DIY – Los Angeles, California

After the demise of the Bronson Ditch project, Clayton Graul was already on the hunt for a new location. Having participated with USP at Bronson, I was also on the hunt for a new location for them. My hunt didn’t take me deeper into the woods or another ditch off the beaten path. I was led right to my local prefab skatepark.

Danny Leon.

Vans Spring Classic – miniramp contest – Napoli, Italy

For a perfect pizza good ingredients are the base! A bunch of sick skaters from all over the world, a well made mini-ramp (Ignoramps), a fruitful sunny place, fantastic food… altogether made a great event.

Billy barefoot roll-in. Photo: Steele

Cholo’s Bowls – Hawaii

Cholo’s Bowls are permission pools that sit deep in the foliage off the Kings Highway.

Jeff. Wall plant finger flip. Photo: Samuel Szepetiuk

A “Home” in Flémalle – Belgium

Under the surface of big and loud machines are popping out little places hiding much potential for skateboarding and DIY. In the little town of Flémalle, in the suburbs of Liège, a few young and highly motivated skaters explored their living environment for places of freedom and imagination.