History went down and mayhem was made along with new and old friends, it felt like the 90’s. Thank you to everyone that played apart of this day, what ever you where doing drinking beer, screaming out your lungs or being the one putting on a show…

Brice´s Bowl – Sultan, Washington

As restrictions are starting to ease during these pandemic times, the fourth of July rolled around this 2021 and what better place to have a BBQ bowl jam than at the Niebuhr bowl compound nestled in the wooded hills of Sultan, Washington.

Barax D.I.Y. Riga – Latvia

The year was the summer of 2008, if I remember corectly. The skate scene in Riga was pretty much skatepark oriented. Instead of developing plazas, squares and public parks,The generous European union investment in the country cursed us with bunch of those plywood zoos, trying to feed us the absurd mentality that skateboarding, bmx and rollerblading are the the same thing, and it’s just natural for us to be locked in a controlled environment and have fun all together.

LA DIGUE A LA DALLE – Toulouse, France

We decided to bring together chefs, artists and obviously skateboarders during a brand new event at La Digue, our DIY spot in Toulouse, France.


It had been 20 years since I made the trip, so I was so excited to be invited to the 1st N-MEN trip of 2021. I was giddy with excitement as I rummaged through my stuff to find what was left of my downhill/glory hole set up. What I came up with was a set of 100mm, 89A kryptonic wheels, my old ass 169’s with giant risers, and a board that was a warped from sitting for so long.