Flash flooding has recently devastated this area and many are in crisis. You can help the community by donating to relief funds.

Skate Days Alte VHS, Traumspot Nr. 2 – Germany

Music room, screenprint, salon, childrenchaosroom, workshop, atelier, basementclub, darkroom, several meeting rooms, gallery, concert room, sportsroom, playroom & jungle toilet inside the building who became known as “Alte VHS”.


A collection of pictures taken during the filming of “Warriorski” a 2022 video edit by Julien Papen

Bocashiva DIY – south west france

So basically it’s a house lost in the forest near Bordeaux. She was built in 1975, and nobody ever lived in it.

Conape DIY, Montevideo – Uruguay

The octagon was a fountain with a monument in the middle many years ago. Nobody knows how it ended up being a concrete space.

Haani Jetha – artist check out

I turned to discarded skateboards to convey these stories. Objects of mobility that have taken me to many of the places

Wald 2021 Summer Tour

Summer 2021, with the spectre of lockdowns, border tests and other problems of modern times.