ULTRA BOWL II – Malmö, Sweden – Day 2

I know, it’s Vert season in Sweden right now, but we’re a little behind here at Confusion headquarters – we’ve been hitting up skate events and hardcore shows in different countries and putting out magazines. Rest assured, you’ll be seeing some insane Vert Attack 5 coverage on the site one of these days, but for now we’re going to flash back to the final day of the Ultra Bowl II in Malmö, Sweden.

Zarosh’s Cachagua Land – January 2011 update

Zarosh and Red have just finished a pour for the big bowl at Cachagua Land. The did this new section in one day. Check Confusion Magazine Issue #2 back from the printers the end of Janaury for a full Zarosh Interview.

Kingshighway D.I.Y.

Through early to mid October 2010 I was a traveling gardener in the big ol’ USA. During my time in St. Louis, I stumbled on this beauty.