Shraplin’ Around (Volume 3)

Shraplin’ Around (Volume 3) featuring: Frank Shaw, Nasty, Nick Marshall, Lucky, Snail, JB, Jon Glaab, Shaun Gregoire, Pat Duffy, Drew Dezort, Donovan Rice, and Skreech.


A Hoax skate road trip from Basque country, through France, to Belgium and Germany with Donovan Rice, Pepe Nuñez, Kevin Wenzke, Josh Kotlega, Jairo Garcia, Pedro “Pope” Tomas, Sergio Cadena, Koekie, Yoeri Vromans, Pedro Vivas, Alain Kortabitarte, and friends…

Jaime Mateu in Brazil

Jaime Mateu from Mallorca going loco at the Hi Adventure bowl in Florianópolis, Brazil. Filmed all in one evening.

Frank Shaw in a brutal backyard pool somewhere in Oregon. Photo: Brady Walsh. As seein in Confusion Magazine issue #8

Frank Shaw’s new video part for HOAX MFG

Frank Shaw, featured in Confusion Magazine issue #8 (as well as shown on the cover of the same issue doing a hurricane grind over the door at San Pedro) has a new video part for HOAX MFG premiering exclusively on Confusion Magazine, right here, right now.

An afternoon at Creekside DIY – Australia

The light was gone, the mozzies were totally taking over and the skaters were no longer in charge! And that’s an afternoon at Creekside. Fun had by all.