It was just six issues ago that we graced the pages of this glorious magazine with our professional d.i.y. park in Glücksburg in the most northern corner of Germany. After three builds in four years we thought we were finished, but it turned out we were wrong.

working class overview

Builders’ Jam: PuraPura – La Paz, Bolivia

After the first day you could already see big progress. After two and a half weeks, with hard work, partying as a gringos do with all the locals, eating coca leaves, drinking coca tea, and of course a lot of downhill sessions, we were almost finished building the skatepark, with one of the best views in the world!

2er Builders Jam – Hannover, Germany – Part 1 & 2

On arrival I don’t think anyone really knew what we were getting ourselves in for the following week back in early June in Hannover, Germany. The basic idea was that the 2 er – ‘the two stair’ Crew had the idea to invite D.I.Y (Do It Yourself) Skate crews from all corners of Europe to come to their spot and each team would be given 3 days to build something.

2ER D.I.Y JAM – Hannover, Germany (Part 1)

On arrival I don’t think anyone really knew what we were getting ourselves into for the following week back in early June in Hannover, Germany. The basic concept was that the 2er [tsvi-er] crew had the idea to invite D.I.Y skate crews from all corners of Europe to come to their spot and each team would be given three days to build something.

Lankow Bowl – Germany

Lankow skatepark, located about 1.5 hours east of Hamburg in Northern Germany is one of the newest skateparks recently completed by Minus Ramps & Pools.