The Chamrousse DIY project (video)

This summer, an army of skate masons from all over Europe gathered in Chamrousse in the French Alps to voluntarily complete the third phase of construction of its DIY skatepark

Brice´s Bowl – Sultan, Washington

As restrictions are starting to ease during these pandemic times, the fourth of July rolled around this 2021 and what better place to have a BBQ bowl jam than at the Niebuhr bowl compound nestled in the wooded hills of Sultan, Washington.

Frediy – Basque country

The idea of building something in the town started in 2018 when Jon Aguirregomezcorta was skating alone in Eibar, Basque Country a similar situation as the skaters from the surrounding towns; he thought in his mind: “If  graffiti writers can go painting in those abandoned factories to produce their pieces, why am I not going to build some ramps?!”

DIY Dogs – Crete Days – Wellington DIY, New Zealand

I’ve been involved in DIY projects in Estonia, but the fact that these guys can organise skaters (!!!) to be on the spot before 7:30 AM and ready to shovel on a weekend, is something else. The DIY spirit is strong with this bunch, hats off to you guys.