Euskadi Skate Session

This last summer I drove in our VW bus from Germany out to Asturias, in the North of Spain, with my girlfriend to check out the land, the people, the ocean, the skate scene and the general lifestyle of the region to see if we want to move there in the future. On our way back through Basque Country, I couldn’t resist to stop in at one of my favorite skate spots, La Kantera.

Benson Bros hit up the Parks

FDR local Adam Benson skates dirty & raw. Relocating from his home state of Delaware to California, where younger brother Colin Benson has already been lurking out in Santa Cruz for the last few years, the Benson Brothers are always up for raising havoc wherever they roam. Whether it’s the local watering whole, skatepark, or most recent DIY project, they don’t give up without a fight.