PNS Bowl – La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
In 2011, when it was obvious that our beloved Bowl de L’ancienne had to be removed, we looked for a new place to move it to. We found a home just beside the indoor skatepark PNS in La Chaux-de-Fonds located in an old slaughterhouse.
Skate Punk – La Friche, Marseille
A big event called “Skate Punk” in Marseille with cash money at La Friche Belle de Mai skate park Marseille, France
Lunenburg Skate Park – Massachusetts
“There isn’t really a skatepark around us, the closest one is a 30-minute drive away,”
DIY Move Plaza, Lindau – Germany
The town we’re talking about is Lindau (Bodensee) at the Lake of Constance. Located in the deepest south of Germany, next to Austria and Switzerland and at the foot of the Alps.
ShredFest at Pink Motel
Music, Art, & Skateboarding Fest at the legendary Pink Motel in Sun Valley, CA
Trukentroef V – Vorselaar, Belgium
Since the last edition a few new obstacles were built by Ratman’s crew and the locals: a new corner with a love seat including custom made pool coping and a nice bank with a little slappy on top.
Pool session – Grind COVID down 2021 – Dülmen, Germany
After a nearly secret session in 2020 because of COVID lockdown and a police show up, we did it again in 2021 as the same non-official procedure.
Confusion Magazine – issue #29 – out now!
Jonas “Ginger” Bunger. Frontside air nose tap at Hullet in Copenhagen, Denmark. Photo: Felix Adler