The Beauty – D.I.Y Pool – Zürich, Switzerland

When we first entered the room, it was a full junkyard. But now, it is really a BEAUTY. Smooth to skate, a good couch, even a decent sound system. Over a year, we were working in small steps until we completed our indoor pool. We learned with every step new ways of building, so you’ll feel it in every corner, which are all different to skate, due to the learning process.

General Shermans Radius Floats

Pista de Skate, Ilhabela skatepark – Brazil

I did four days of crete with Flyramp. Super hot and humid down there and the mud went off super fast… We were on this island, so neat! Ilhabela now has a great Pista de Skate! The hip air is Ulysses Pinna, he’s stoked, lives two blocks from the park, brought us sodies and helped clean up and first sesh ripper. BBQs and waterfall picinas… Everyone there was so happy! Theres’ a photo of the crete haulers too. Passion Fruit trowel, aka Maracuja blade. GSRF (General Sherman’s Radius Floats) packing up for the states… Sick harbor and sunrays beamin… Ilhabela 2012.” – Soup


Fiesta Des Ursulines 2012 – Bruxelles, Belgium

The Fiesta Des Urulines is a crazy day of eccentricity that takes place in the heart of Brussels in Belgium once a year. Organized by the Brusk (is dead) collective, this skate-music party is a full day fiesta combining concrete bowl skating with music ranging from punk to rock n roll to jazz and electro along with silkscreening demos, organic food, specialty belgium beers, a grafitti session, and another skate session on the D.I.Y street course which was built the day before along with a full wooden shack sun shade 0 star sleeping accommodation.

Zarosh and the Goat Bowl – California

Here’s a few shots from last night at the bowl my friend Gavin just finished building. It’s called the Goat Bowl as coined by Rick Blackheart tonight.

Rampa Del Perro (Dog Ramp) – Girona, Spain

Santa Coloma de Farnés is a litte town in the middle of the forest in Girona, its a crazzy spot whith all volcanos but whitout activiti rigth now…

there is a bunch of old farmer houses abandoned in the area.
Some hippies from the town decided to start to live in one of the farm houses and started to make activities in the house for the kids, like football, basketball, bicicross, escalation,etc.. i dont know exacly why but they decided to build something for skate there.

Halloween Bowl Jam – Owl Bowl – Cologne, Germany

Halloween Bowl Jam in the Owl Bowl, at the NorthBrigade skatepark in Cologne, with glüwine, hot chili and a chilly concrete bowl, skating in the cold german night, on All Hallows’ Eve.

One Night in Wonderland – Christiania, Denmark

After a few days in Malmö, Sweden for the Ultrabowl, we, along with about 25 other skaters from about five different countries, stopped first at Copenhagen on the way to other skate destinations around Europe. It was this one night in Wonderland where skater crews from all over the world converged in Christiania, and had a session with some Wonderland locals…

Austrian Bowl Masters 2012

Holy shit, what a weekend in the little town of Brixlegg. As I am writing, I am still trying to recover from the after Party, but let’s get to that later. In the heart of the Alps in Austria, the bowl skating scene witnessed concrete mayhem at it’s finest!— Chris Cab

Hell Curving Party 2012: Guineueta – Barcelona, Spain

Twenty years of Guineueta skatepark and next year is the 10th anniversary of the corner me and my friend Dany built… Barcelona didn’t have any skateparks, everything was shit and we needed to build something to skate a real one… that was the idea of building that D.I.Y.

BOWL OWL CONTEST 2012 – Cologne, Germany

Organized by Wasted Box skateshop and the North Brigade Skatepark, this coming Saturday, September 8th, the second annual C1RCA BOWL OWL CONTEST 2012 takes place in the Owl Bowl at the Northbrigade. Apart from the highly sought-after Owl trophy, skaters can win combined prize money worth 2000 euros as well as CA$H FOR TRICKS!