Ben Raemers. Crailslide. Photo: Jai Tanju

Grandpa’s DIY – La Selva Beach – California

My son Thomas called me at home and told me there was a spot that he thought we could build on. It turns out it’s this neighbor kid Lucas’s house. I really didn’t like this kid much. It seemed to me that they were always fighting, but I rode my bike down there anyway to see what was up. It turns out it was a piece of property that his Grandpa gave him.

Matze Weiland. 5-0 grind. Photo: Benni Götte

Mister Wilson Outdoor DIY Park – Kassel, Germany

A few years before we found the place where we built todays little skatehall paradise including germany’s first indoor concrete bowl and a big wooden street / flow section, we had a much smaller skatehall, just a few hundred meters from our current place.

La Mar Bella skatepark – Barcelona, Spain

We’re almost finished with a new skatepark by the beach in Barcelona, Spain designed with other two more projects in 2009 by a couple architect experts on landscaping and myself as a skateboarder.

Sky Siljeg. Method air to backside lipslide.

BOWL-A-RAMA Wellington – 2014 – New Zealand

Wellington Bowlarama started on the Wednesday. When I got there a few locals were there and for a change they were painting the bowl. The paint dried quickly and the first session of Bowl-a-Rama started around midday. As everyone was getting used to the lines, the Brazilians showed and everyone started going off their CHOPS!

Mangawhai Bowl – New Zealand

“Mangawhai! Fucking huge perfect bowls in a sleepy little east coast surf town on the North Island of New Zealand. Built by Jason Parks at Premium Skatepark Designs New Zealand! Easily one of the best vert pools in the world!”

Port Land DIY. Basel, Switzerland.

In the summer of 2011 the news that the beloved BLACKCROSSBOWL was to be destroyed came true and plans were soon put into place to find a new space to build. After some intense dealings with permits and raising money the Basel crew, motivated as ever, started digging, laying iron and troweling concrete in the waste land around the port area of Basel.

KAMPSA II DIY – End of Summer party 2013

October 5th, time to say bye to the summer, because winter is very rainy in the Basque Country and the sun and summer are so valued for us.

Yeray Menendez transfering the hip.

AK-55 skate bowl – Asturias, Spain

AK-55 skateboarding is the first skate and surf hostel and school in Spain. When the project is completed it will be 1200 square meters (13,000 square feet) of pure skate! There will rooms to stay, a pool, beach and skateboarding!