2 bowls 1 cup – Bonn, Germany

The bowls have been there since last year and allready saw some good shredding, but if you get the right people together at one day, aka having the first contest things get …different.

Daryl Nobbs. Frontside rockslide over the stairs. Gjøvik. Photo: David Jedda

Betongpark boys skating and creating in Norway

A few years ago on a one off build in Norway with a British company, I met a couple of awesome Norwegians with big plans. We kept in touch and soon after they asked me if i wanted to be involved in their Norwegian skatepark venture, for some reason they were under the impression I really knew what I was doing… – Daryl Nobbs

Koekie. FS 50-50 grind in the deep corner. Photo: Mr. Bookwood.

North Brigade re-opening – Cologne, Germany

NorthBrigade officially re-opened last weekend to celebrate the new concrete bowl and street area completed last October by Anker ramps , right in time for German winter

The Lost Bowl – Virginia, USA

In September of 2010 Richmond DIY’ers lead with the concrete skills of Bernie Mcgrew took it into their own hands to finally build for the skaters of Richmond, VA a city with no skatepark. Starting with an 8 foot (2.4 meter) deep kidney swimmer bowl, the Lost Bowl now boasts a lot of other tranny around the decks of the bowl. The Lost Bowl continues to expand with the help of tons of skaters from RVA and there is no stop foreseen in the near future.