Channel Street DIY: San Pedro, California – shut down?

Caltrans is gonna shut down Channel Street for a year and do construction on the freeway for the freeway expansion. Already in the works is a new project at Peck Park that the local kids and the makers of Channel are helping design which they are trying to get done as soon as Channel closes which will be sometime next year.

Pirate Ship: Hossegor, France – OMA Brats & Beers

he idea behind the Brats & Beers skate Sesh was to celebrate the launch of my Old Man Army deck with Mike, OMA co-founder, paying for the brats. Carlsberg offered a few stacks of brew, and Carhartt was happy to let us use their more than sick Pirate ship bowl in Hossegor… Nothing more was needed to get the session going and sharing good times with a few old schoolers and some up and coming young bloods!” – Greg Poissonnier