BBC DIY – Halloween Jam – France
Our annual event has been transformed into a small festival! Sound system, homemade food, craft beer, fire show, the whole story!
Our annual event has been transformed into a small festival! Sound system, homemade food, craft beer, fire show, the whole story!
Aloha Skate Club is a skateboard club from the south of France, dedicated to the development of skate culture and a DIY spot.
We will enlarge the spot in different stages: cradle, snake run, big suspended curves, and then merge everything together with bigger, longer curves but that will need a significant amount of concrete so therefore a lot of money.
Jacques Séguéla, a french politician once said “If at 50 years old you don’t own a Rolex, it means you messed up something in your life”. Yeah right… Enzo is quite far to be 50 yet (he’s actually only 19) and on the watch he doesn’t own, it’s only writing “NOW” anyway. Whatever, since over a year, this kid and his crew were digging, by hand, a fucking huge hole which is now probably one the best backyard pool in France ! And yep, those guys shot in one go ! God damn legends.
Barbecue diy is the culmination of the project led by a group of young skaters in the south of France.
The expression DIY gets thrown around a lot nowadays and we at Beaulieu are guilty of it too. It’s become a buzz word that gradually loses its meaning as it is overused and coopted by big companies to sell us our slice of counterculture.