Hell Curving Party 2012: Guineueta – Barcelona, Spain

Twenty years of Guineueta skatepark and next year is the 10th anniversary of the corner me and my friend Dany built… Barcelona didn’t have any skateparks, everything was shit and we needed to build something to skate a real one… that was the idea of building that D.I.Y.

Ripollet Bowl Party – Barcelona, Spain

On July 7th, a few miles from Barcelona, we had the luck to enjoy the first RIPOLLET BOWL PARTY organized by the Ripollet City Council, Gypsy Skateboarding and Adventures, Hey Ho Skateshop, Maccaroni Distribution, Bastard Clothing and Confusion DIY Magazine, to celebrate the official opening of the park.

Mini-bowl: Begues, Spain

This is a new mini bowl that I finished last week. It is located 30 minutes south of Barcelona in a town called Begues.