Sergej Vutuc: Something in Between: Artshow

Sergej Vutuc, the photographer behind the book, “Something in Between” is putting up work in an empty space and doing abstract drawings out of skateboarding. If you live in Germany, check it out this Sunday, the 4th. If not, we’ll update this space after the show so you can see what went down.

Out of Stock: A Skateboard Exhibition

Out Of Stock is a skatepark exhibition / art show about the past to the present of Stockwell Skatepark, in South London.
The opening show is at Stolen Space, August 18th, 2011 (this Thursday).

Brandon Lomax Interivew

Confusion sat down at the Hill Street Cafe in Oceanside, California with artist Brandon Lomax to talk art, skateboarding, music, inspiration, and life. Brandon, although based in Oceanside, is a modern day gypsy whose stories of local and global adventures always provoke our own desire to get moving, create, and collaborate.

Jason Jessee: “I skateboard but I’m an artist.” Automodown warehouse. Watsonville, California. (2004-2005)

Jason Jessee is a legend. He is also a living enigma, which is defined as a “riddle generally expressed in metaphorical or allegorical language that requires ingenuity and careful thinking to discover its solution.” He is a natural born actor, who plays himself in every role he’s ever been in. He is probably best known for his frontside ollie, which many agree was the best skateboarding has ever seen.

Guerrila Graffiti – Brussels, Belgium

The night before the Fiesta Des Ursulines, we skated from the Brusk den downtown Brussels to watch Bonom paint a building. We got there right in the beginning and about 90 minutes later, the Gorilla was born.

BRUSK Collective: “Concrete Idea” Art Show

BRUSK Collective “Concrete Idea” Art Show
On Saturday, March 6th, 2010. Opening at 6:00 PM exhibition “Concrete Idea” at Basementizid – Wollhausstr. 17, in Heilbronn, Germany
Die hard skateboarders – bumps and holes covered by metal – then concrete -you’re already skating in your head – away from home – dread weather conditions – can dry fast or take the whole night – stick together as one – no one else wants it as good as we do – forget about the plans – we’ll be the first ones to skate it anyway

sergej vutuc: the process of communication

Born in Bosnia and later moving to Croatia, Sergej is currently living in Germany and continues to work on various film & art projects in the Balkans.