Alder Wilson
Viewfinder Journal X (brokeboientertainment): BONUSVID
I released my last full length video in 2018. That year was a bit of a transitional point in my life. I had some old friends moving out of town and some new friends moving in. I decided to end Gnarhammered as a board company and to continue filming independently.
Conspiracy Bowl – New Jersey
With all the conspiracy theories in the world, let me tell you about one that doesn’t involve the government or aliens; The Conspiracy Bowl in New Jersey is a backyard pool that we got to shred in a sick night session.
Viewfinder Journal: (LISTEN)
“The following is a collection of footage filmed over the past few years while working … Keep reading
New full length video in the works by Andrew Metzger, featuring full parts by Jeff Rasp, Alder Wilson, Tyler Yuraszeck, Evan Breder, Henry Pham, and Ryan Miller.
Last Days of Alter Street – video
“All good things must come to an end, and we had a damn good run. … Keep reading