The Bunker Bowl - Costa Rica
Lady Meek Interview
Lady Meek Interview
Alex – individuelle Gleichheit
Greifi Pool Bash 2024 – Greifswalder DIY – Berlin, Germany
The Bunker Bowl - Costa Rica
Lady Meek interview
Alex - Individual Equality
Last Bowl Bash – Linz, Austria – 2024
Schetg Gru Mini Madness - Laax, Switzerland
The Road To Skatopia Bowl Bash
SK8 Therapy Tour (Slovenia, Austria & Hungary)
Confusion magazine - issue 37 - out now!
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Sergej Vutuc “Coincidence” in Japan

Coincidence or maybe just Strong Reaction of my searching to see more to exchange. A few months ago I was planing to do japan tour but nothing, then tokyo happened. But something inside was telling me leave things to happen… so how I chose was to fly and stepping on the far east road… spirit of untitled family friends of friends our friends were there… and I am back to discover something from me to learn many new things. Amazing hospitality!!!

Oasis skatepark – Las Arenas, Basque country

Again, unity is strength, so a CREW united by the skate is unstoppable. Twenty people willing to work to improve the image of your skatepark, an OASIS result in the middle of the city, a delight, cement painted bright colors, a light source, a breath of fresh air, new motivation, bueno…

Mats Hatlen. Lien air. Photo: Eddie Think

Vert Attack 8 – The Confusion report

Every year around April, I get the itch about wanting to go to Malmö for the next Vert Attack edition. In April? Yes in April, the ambiance, the brotherhood, the parties, and foremost the insane skateboarding that occurs every year, makes it that I get homesick just a couple of weeks after the last air landed, the prizes were given away, and the hangover cleared from the afterparty.

Matze Weiland. 5-0 grind. Photo: Benni Götte

Mister Wilson Outdoor DIY Park – Kassel, Germany

A few years before we found the place where we built todays little skatehall paradise including germany’s first indoor concrete bowl and a big wooden street / flow section, we had a much smaller skatehall, just a few hundred meters from our current place.

Antti Vierola. 5-0 nose grab while Juuso Aalto is working. Photo: Samu Karvonen

Suvilahti DIY skatepark – Helsinki, Finland

We had this small skatepark in the early 90s where we built skateable obstacles. Some neighbors complained about the noise and the city people tore it down. We didn’t have a permit to build anything but that didn’t stop us because there was no other skatepark anywhere near. We ended up building several different parks but every one of those were destroyed by the city of Helsinki….


It’s about time we let you fellow Confuziners know about two new big bowls in the north of France which Belgian company Concrete Flow finished last year during the second half of the season. We spent quite some blood, sweat and tears building them, so spread the word and put these on your list for the next roadtrip.

La Mar Bella skatepark – Barcelona, Spain

We’re almost finished with a new skatepark by the beach in Barcelona, Spain designed with other two more projects in 2009 by a couple architect experts on landscaping and myself as a skateboarder.

Wim de Waele takes some risk shooting this pic of Timothy. Good for him he has the control.

Belgium café DIY skatepark

We were cleaning up the mess of the Malinas Machinas on monday and the brewer (Frans van Craenenbroeck) comes to me and he says: ‘I bought a café with a hangar in the back. Can you come check it out and see if it’s possible to built a skatepark in there?’…


Rogersville DIY – Corpus Christi, Texas

Getting old sucks. One has to get a “job”, “be responsible”, hang overs get worse, healing after slams take longer and other lame “adult” like things. What doesn’t suck about getting old: Friendships grow stronger, one can start drinking any time of the day…

Sky Siljeg. Method air to backside lipslide.

BOWL-A-RAMA Wellington – 2014 – New Zealand

Wellington Bowlarama started on the Wednesday. When I got there a few locals were there and for a change they were painting the bowl. The paint dried quickly and the first session of Bowl-a-Rama started around midday. As everyone was getting used to the lines, the Brazilians showed and everyone started going off their CHOPS!