The Bunker Bowl - Costa Rica
Lady Meek Interview
Lady Meek Interview
Alex – individuelle Gleichheit
Greifi Pool Bash 2024 – Greifswalder DIY – Berlin, Germany
The Bunker Bowl - Costa Rica
Lady Meek interview
Alex - Individual Equality
Last Bowl Bash – Linz, Austria – 2024
Schetg Gru Mini Madness - Laax, Switzerland
The Road To Skatopia Bowl Bash
SK8 Therapy Tour (Slovenia, Austria & Hungary)
Confusion magazine - issue 37 - out now!
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Michi Nadler. Blunt to fakie.

Rumble in the Pool – 2015 – Gmunden, Austria

We arrived at the skatepark at the Sportplatz just in time for the last beer before the bar closed… fiuuu… and we helped a bit to set up the last big gazebo, the one that saved us the next day when it started to rain. I knew that it was gonna stop, but… you know… Austria… fresh big blond beers…

Professional D.I.Y. in Hamburg, Germany

Hamburg has always been an epicentre of the german skate scene, but as far as concrete skateparks go we’ve been like 20 years behind the rest of the world for ages. But those days are long gone now and during the last year alone we’ve had some kind of concrete explosion with six decent new parks having been built mostly courtesy of Minus-Ramps

Pablo Ribera. Frontside crail.

Torsoarama – Malas Rampas – Basque Country

Torsoarama, DIY miniramp session at Malas rampas, is the session you cannot miss. It’s not a contest, it’s basically a perfect skating day. This year, we had it all: good weather, good food and good skaters!

Toni Perrone. FS slash grind.

OMSA Pizza Tour 2015 – “Italy the Land of dreams?”

…And here is the team: Fred (our International part from France and the Master Photographer), Axel (from Trier the oldest town in Germany established by Romans over 2,000 years ago), Toni (our ½ German with an Italian passport and all time translator), Dietsches (Mr. OMSA) and me (the organizer + Wolfgangster). The OMSA Team on a mission – grinding down the pools in Italy….

Backside wallride. Photo: Loïc Benoit

Down by the River: DIY in Southern France with Bastien Marlin

I’ve never been satisfied to just skate the surrounding spots in my area. I’m always looking for new places and when I can’t find something I’d like to skate, I build a new spot or change one that needs fixing to make it skateable.

Diego and Erika

Iberian Peninsula skate trip

Last summer I went on holiday in the Iberian Peninsula. There are more places than just Barcelona to visit there. The people are very nice and every place I went I met rippers!