Premià de Dalt bowl – Barcelona – the final session
The reason for all these problems is because the bowl was in a rich neighborhood on the top of the hills of Premia de Mar which they call Premia de Dalt which in Catalán means the hills of Premia. They want to fuck over the park because they don’t like dirty losers hanging around with skateboards… and prefer to make a shit soccer camp or some fucking paddle shit.
Typical Culture x Sergej Vutuc zine / book release
Our brothers in San Diego TYPICAL CULTURE have a zine release party with another confusion brother SERGEJ VUTUC releasing his book at the Culture Brewing Co. in SD this Thursday, the 4th, with THE LARB and Helmut Vutuc Lampshade for live musical entertainment.
TJ Schick “Butcher of the East”
TJ finally has his first full length but he’s been one of the better tranny rippers on the east coast for years! Get your girl, get some popcorn, cut a hole in the bottom of the box and enjoy this drama starring TJ Schick.” – Butcher Skateboards
Bowlzilla Chile 2016
BOWLZILLA Chile 2016
Rocky’s Bowl Crete Raiser
The creteraiser is to help raise money to finish Rocky’s bowl. All funds raised is for concrete to ad a snake run with a cradle next to the bowl and decks.
Penthouse bowl – Switzerland
Everything started with this ramp at my parents house we skated maybe three years before I moved into my own house. I rebuilt the the ramp to use the corners again and made something that really looks like a pool.
Drop into the Pissrinne – Bonn, Germany
Down in a passway, where junkies roam and people pee, skaters from Bonn brought some ramps to skate on the Saturday before Christmas. Welcome to the Pissrinne (peegully).
Big snakerun upgrade in Liège – Belgium
It’s about time, we let you know about a very interesting project we did late … Keep reading
South Park Sofia DIY – Bulgaria
The spot is located in Sofia the capital of Bulgaria in Eastern Europe. We started building the spot about a year ago, there was only one concrete part of some structure and a lot of junk there, left from some old construction site. We started building there because there is a river and a good amount of junk for the back fill. The main idea was to build obstacles that aren’t built in Sofia and Bulgaria, like DIY curbs and kickers… The spot is built by the local skateboarders for skateboarders.