Mellowpark: DIY Berlin
A short view on the Mellowpark bowl project in Berlin, Germany. With helping hands of the locals the bowl was finished in the spring of 2011.
A short view on the Mellowpark bowl project in Berlin, Germany. With helping hands of the locals the bowl was finished in the spring of 2011.
The first time I heard about this magic place called “Cuatro Casas” was in 2009. I met my good friend Jose Noro in San Francisco for a one month road trip with the classic recipe of not having any fixed plans other than to skate, meet old and new friends and to generally see and experience as much as we can. – Lars Greiwe
I first checked out Scheisse Manelli back in 2006 at the Jury Room in Santa Cruz. Advertised as “skate punk” from Germany, I had to go check them out. Classic hardcore punk ‘n’ roll with humorous songs about skateboarding, rebellion, and running from the cops. I asked the singer, Samuel el Action for a CD after the show, to review it in my old magazine, Concussion. For the next five years, every time they were playing in California, I was in Germany, and every time they played in Germany, I was in California. Finally, five years later, we were both in the same city at the same time.