The Bunker Bowl - Costa Rica
Lady Meek Interview
Lady Meek Interview
Alex – individuelle Gleichheit
Greifi Pool Bash 2024 – Greifswalder DIY – Berlin, Germany
JOJO DUCROS - Interview
Señor Lobo – adventure to Basque Country
The Bunker Bowl - Costa Rica
Lady Meek interview
Alex - Individual Equality
Last Bowl Bash – Linz, Austria – 2024
Schetg Gru Mini Madness - Laax, Switzerland
The Road To Skatopia Bowl Bash
SK8 Therapy Tour (Slovenia, Austria & Hungary)
Confusion magazine - issue 37 - out now!
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KANOA Interrail 2019

KANOA is a skatecrew from Barcelona, a group of friends who skate everyday. For the love of skateboarding, friendship & KANOA.

Life goes on and we live far from eachother now, so even if not all the crew was at the Interrail it was kind of a reunion.

Joaco, Jaume & Alex

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2019 was time for the 10th annual skate tour of the Rozkurwiel Crew from Poland

Burnside Halloween Party 2019

Burnside’s 29th year aniversary rolls around at the same time as halloween. Every year ghouls and ghosts, freaks and geeks congregate for an evening of skateboarding, music and raging.

DO IT YOURSELF Documentary – France

Documentary whose objective is to discover the practice and skateboarding scene in the region of Herault (France), with the guys from Beaulieu DIY, BBC DIY and Bastien Marlin.