The Bunker Bowl - Costa Rica
Lady Meek Interview
Lady Meek Interview
Alex – individuelle Gleichheit
Greifi Pool Bash 2024 – Greifswalder DIY – Berlin, Germany
JOJO DUCROS - Interview
Señor Lobo – adventure to Basque Country
The Bunker Bowl - Costa Rica
Lady Meek interview
Alex - Individual Equality
Last Bowl Bash – Linz, Austria – 2024
Schetg Gru Mini Madness - Laax, Switzerland
The Road To Skatopia Bowl Bash
SK8 Therapy Tour (Slovenia, Austria & Hungary)
Confusion magazine - issue 37 - out now!
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Viewfinder Journal X (brokeboientertainment): BONUSVID

I released my last full length video in 2018. That year was a bit of a transitional point in my life. I had some old friends moving out of town and some new friends moving in. I decided to end Gnarhammered as a board company and to continue filming independently.

DIY Move Plaza, Lindau – Germany

The town we’re talking about is Lindau (Bodensee) at the Lake of Constance. Located in the deepest south of Germany, next to Austria and Switzerland and at the foot of the Alps.

ShredFest at Pink Motel

Music, Art, & Skateboarding Fest at the legendary Pink Motel in Sun Valley, CA

Glass skateboarding – Riga, Latvia

An experienced skateboarder, consciously or unconsciously knows and feels the material, its texture, and density, of his/her choice. Glass is rarely used byskateboarders, and the idea of purposely creating objects of glass for skateboarding is something new for everyone. It’s an adventure, entering the unknown, which is the best part ofboth forms of expression – glass art and skateboarding.

Trukentroef V – Vorselaar, Belgium

Since the last edition a few new obstacles were built by Ratman’s crew and the locals: a new corner with a love seat including custom made pool coping and a nice bank with a little slappy on top.