Confusion videos (archive)

For newer videos, go to Confusion videos.

Shetggru mini madness 2023 – Laax, Switzerland

Video by Yves Marchon / Beauregard Films

Stepan Soroka – video part – ” L’Appel Du Vide”

Filmed and Edited by Dustin Harrison

At Least We Tried…

A video from ABS GRENOBLE. Filmed and edited by Adrien Motte

Mooswerk DIY – Bern, Switzerland – Chapter 3

Here we got Jan Hirt, Lenny Koller und Ramon Notz showing you around in the basement. Filmed / edited by @This_vx_is_dead

Burnside Halloween 2023

Burnside turned 33 this Halloween and the celebration did not disappoint. Cheers to everyone who have made things happen under the bridge over the years. Filmed and Edited by Arlan George @dancinlang

Conne Island Halloween Jam – Leipzig, Germany

Filmed / Edited by David Kendlbacher

Korner skate party – Outside DIY – Portugal

Filmed / Edited by Tiago Reis


Shorty homies trip to Tampa. Filmed by Nate Films

WaldTour 2023 – Slovenija

Join us on the 2023 WaldTour as we explore some of the most sought-after DIY skateparks and street spots in Slovenia.


We built another Monolith, combined it with the old one and brought it to some spots for filming the “Halloween special” called Terror Monolitico. Filmed and edited by Giulio Sertori


A project by Matteo Rey for Wald.  Starring: Segio “Giorse” Reinhardt, Michele Bianchini, Matteo Rey. Filmed in Milan, Italy after a thunderstorm that rocked the city.

Glue Bag – เยดโด้

Filmed, animated and edited by Kane Nugent.

Cruzade Skateboards – The Tournament 2023

This happened at The Tournament 2023 in Ramputene DIY. Filmed and edited by Pablo Ribera

Greifi Times 1

Skateboarding in Berlin at Greifswalder DIY 2020 – 2023


For the second year Popeye Skate Club organized the « Feed The Beast » in the south of France. A dirty, raw and juicy concrete beast at a purification plant. An intense egg shaped pipe in the woods only known by a few old locals. Filmed / edited by Cyril Costilhes

Warriors Weekend – Lugano, Switzerland

Video & Edit: Andrés Bignasca


“Feeling anxious? Stressed? Overwhelmed? Do what Eric does, ignore your problems, go skate.”
Starring Eric Hutchinson @erichutch_ Filmed and edited by Chase Langton @chasex10000

El Gochu 2023 – miniramp skate contest – Noreña, Spain

Freakend at Port Land DIY – Basel, Switzerland

Filmed by Elia, Alain and Taro. Edited by Taro.

BocaShiva DIY project – Two Years for Build

Video edit @tonton_margelle_ari_diy DIY association @ariskateboard
Now, after many punk concerts, events, almost all the the abandoned house is skateable from the bedroom, to the hallway, and now there is a bowl in the living room and on the terrace too.


“Gonna Have A Good Day.” An afternoon with the homies at Portland Oregon’s, @Crestondiy
with @crustmaster_johnson @jimmyboyroy @ethanhall @biscuits4president @donovan.rice @josh_heath
Music @Nappyroots // Video @josh_heath

Orcas Redemption 2023

Orcas and Back. 1 week, 12 parks, 10 dips!!! Nothin’ but good times. Dave, Krupa, Kyle, Shay Hupp, & Jack. Featuring @endless_ride @cmkrupa @kyle4nier @huppnstuff @davidfallisart

Noah Johnson “Smash and Grab” video part

Smash and Grab with Noah Johnson @crustmaster_johnson
Filmed by Gabe Stoltz, Donovan Rice & Ross Dordan. Edited by Noah Johnson


Filmed and edited by Giulio Sertori
Additional footage: Mario de Mari, Ary Neto, Felipe Barbugiani and Olavo Andreucci.

Weekend in the Woods – Bowl the Chamrousse

Skate and Tritons – Bowl the Chamrousse – 15.07.23. Skaters: Kid Oost @kidoost
Eliott Barral @eliott__barral Jean Pantaleo @jeanpantaleosk8 Jeroen Bruggeman @cheersbeers__
Filmed by @tamarero @dvdbaker

GoodBuddy Skateboards Team

Team: Arman Dayani, Adrian Bueno, Brandon Perelson, Garrett Kilbarger, Garrett Kilbarger, D’Angelo “Shteelo” Barr, Trevor Bradbury, Tate Kim. Guest rider: Josh Mattson. Additional filming: Eric Walder. Film & Edit: Josh Heath. Music: The Devil Makes Three “Aces and Twos”.

Weekend in the Woods – Bowl the Chamrousse

Skate and Tritons – Bowl the Chamrousse – 15.07.23. Filmed by @tamarero @dvdbaker

Arne Fiehl vom BOARDSTEIN in South East Asia 2023

Shitty tricks on shitty spots. Arne Fiehl vom BOARDSTEIN on his latest mission. Building the first public skatepark in Lao and travelling and skating Laos, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Cambodia and Thailand for nine weeks…


The “widely anticipated curb skating extravaganza.” Creativity, innovation, style, power, finesse, and old dudes loitering in empty parking lots, this video has it all!!!

Featuring Collin Burke, Joe Jackson, Robbie Rodriguez, SlappyBoyz crew from Hamburg Germany, Slappy Sundays Virginia Beach, Luke Paul, Nolan York, Yuta Machida, _ PEEPTHIS _ from Japan, Chris Flores, and many more!!!

Music by DJ Furio, Troglodyte the Neanderthal, Regal Beagle, Breach, 69-Dudes, Ratskate aka Mikey Polen, Kbeatz, and Indigo.

Daniel Ferrero – The New Reborn

Three countries, four cities, eight months of filming and a torn ligament – mix it with an ever-growing fetish for virgin crusty terrain and you get Daniel Ferrero’s new part.

Fiskal ParaDIYz

A little place of heaven where you find nothing but good vibes and new projects still coming! Video / edit Awal-P


Greifswalder DIY. Berlin, Germany. Filmed / edited by: Charly Riege @f1shtitties

Asfalto Skateboards – Availer

Filmed in Guadalajara and Mexico City with Hi-8 and VX1000 video cameras. Filming by Raúl Alcalá, Dom Díaz and Sofía Gómez.
Editing by Raúl Alcalá. Skaters in order of appearance: Luis Padilla, Dom Díaz, Raúl Alcalá, Mich Lozano. @asfalto.skateboards

Team Trouble 2023 – Video recap
Cameras: Pierre Pauselli @funisdead / Shqipron Bobaj @bobaj / Jon Wolf @jon__wolf / Yves Marchon @yvesmarchon. Edit: Sean Nguyen @seantoe.

Daniele Galli – Frisco x Spitfire part

Filmed by Simone Pastore. Daniele is 43 year old skateboarder from Italy who founded, fixed and skated most of these spots mostly around Bergamo where he lives. His part is supported by Frisco Shop and Spitfire wheels (Samurai Dist).

Snicl Tour 2022

Riders: Gregor Skok, Barbara Pecar (Barby), Vid Svetlin & Murh. Edit: Murh

Jet Inn Pool by ‘OGB’

“This short is about one of the longest running pools skated in Los Angeles, California skateboarding history. It’s not around anymore. This is a classic tribute piece on some of its pinpoint histories and thriving sessions. Starring: Bruce Thomas, Jesse Martinez, Blake Spinak, Pat Olsen, Mike O’ Leary, Dave Mollin + more. Filmed / edited by Bart Saric.


Jean Jaques Family Tour – Into the Alps

Jean Jaques Family Tour filmed in summer 2022 by Benne Daeleman.

Brainless Skateboards: King of the Road

Filmed at La Digue DIY in Toulouse, France on October 13, 2022. Featuring: Manuel Gomez, Thomas André and Noa Marchetti. Music: Fu Manchu “King of the Road”.


Filmed by ALBERTO DELLA BEFFA and more. Directed by JULIEN BACHELIER. Edited by FRENCH FRED. Art Direction by MAARKO PHNTM


Transition, Street, Indy Skate Video filmed in Tirol, Austria at the Landhausplaza, The Cradle Skatepark, Wörgl DIY, Oetz DIY and Streetspots in Innsbruck, Salzburg and Saalfelden. Filmed and edited by David Kendlbacher @dvdbaker


Video by Antti Salonen / Veto Underground. Supported by Windmill Skateco and Windagram Hardware Soundtrack by Ville Nieminen & Ere Pessala

Rozkurwiel Tour XIII 2022

Video by Strejli

Preserving History Through Print With Kevin Marks

Take a deep dive into the life of the self proclaimed skateboard historic preservationist Kevin Marks, founder of Lookback Library. Kevin has made it his mission to collect and share all things in print, involving skateboarding. Filmed and edited by Xander Robertson for Common Youth Brand.


Recorded at Praça 29 (CWB) in Brasil. Featuring: Felipe Barbugiani, Mario Kreb, Renato Souza, Olavo Andreucci, Giulio Sertori, Luiz Gaida, Matheus Luz,Percy Jr. and Imad Hamdar. Film/Edit: Giulio Sertori.

Ritual IV – Cameron Targosz

Cameron Targosz’s Part in Ritual IV, the fourth full length film produced by Ritual Skateboards out of Colorado Springs, Colorado.
To watch Ritual IV in its’ entirety, go here.

Warriors Family – “Ancora Senza Tempo”

More info aabout the video here.

Cretin Family – Blitzkrieg Skateboards (Belgium)

The first video of Belgium’s fun loving skater boys Blitzkrieg skateboards! Edited by Koen Van den Broeck.

A Galiza!

Filmed /edited by @salba_sauce Featuring @benbotta @saxonrivero @freeomvr @mateopelopelo @salba_sauce


Filmed / edited by Nimst0ne

Cruise and Booze 2022

Wonderland in Christiania, Denmark. Filmed by Ben Daeleman. Edited by Bastiaan van Benthem. Event organized by Nicola Debernardi + Wonderland

American Trip 2022

Skaters: Sean Ellis Johnson @poolrebel2.0 Johnny Abernathy @j_b_b_r Thomas Andre and Josh Kidd @__fanja_ Filmed / edited by Thomas Andre @lourdeurdevivre


OH DEE: Part 7

Filmed / edited by Devon Cooper. Featuring: Travis Clark, @poser_dispozer, Nic Rivera,@kevdlew, @virginiaben, @sean_grohs, @skol_banditt, @lukasjmann,@aminipanini, Devon Cooper, @dretattoo


“With pleasure I leave here another video of mine, made by a great friend (Alessandro), I will never forget what I experienced during all these recordings, moments that only skateboarding can bring, I thank all those who were present and for the motivation they brought, in particular I also thank Skate for making my life different.”

OH DEE: Part 6

Filmed / edited by Devon Cooper. Featuring: Tristan Rennie, Cam Noren, CJ Collins,Aaron Yant, Duje Dragoyevich, Eric Hutch, Devon Cooper and Gabe Molinar


Monolito is curb that built by a bunch of skaters and left at29 de Março Square, our second home in Curitiba.
Filmed by theFILMERD


Filmed by Quentin Larrede.Edited by Lucas Dussans. Skaters: Léo Pottié, Tom Barthelemy, Milo Gueret, Baptiste Lebastard, and Lucas Dussans

ST. MARX DIY – Vienna, Austria

Featuring David Bachl plus David Thaller and Jakob Kristoferich Filmed by Max Haidenthaller

Backyard Club Bowl (Witte Wolk) – Belgium

Filmed and edited by Koen Van den Broeck
OH DEE: Part 5

Filmed / edited by Devon Cooper. Featuring: Matthew Wilcox, Azaf Soubervielle, Nolan Mline, Tye Testerman, Devon Cooper, and Michael Kawanaka

Schetg Gru mini madness – Laax, Switzerland

Filmed / edited: @yvesmarchon // motivators: @schetggru

OH DEE: Part 4

Filmed / edited by Devon Cooper. Featuring: Jesse Lindloff, Tristan Rennie, Patrick Ryan, and CJ Collins.

OH DEE: Part 3

Filmed / edited by Devon Cooper. Featuring: Andiey Lerma, Matthew Wilcox, Nic Rivera, Cam Noren, Greg Moran, and Brandon Biegas.

OH DEE: Part 2

Filmed / edited by Devon Cooper. Featuring: Andiey Lerma, Hayden Cochren, Cam Noren, Dakota Viveiros, AJ Rosete, Daniel Luna, Devon Cooper, Sarah Mcfarlane and Michael Kawanaka.

OH DEE: Part 1

Filmed / edited by Devon Cooper. Featuring: Andiey Lerma, Matthew Wilcox, Dakota Viveiros, Malachi Riley, Nolan Mline, Devon Cooper and Michael Kawanaka.

WSVT Halloween party 2022

Filmed / edited by @josh_heath

Padless Kneeslide featuring Wyatt Wisenbaker

@wyattwisenbaker @SpeedlabWheels

SISU: a Finland vacation 🇫🇮

Jojo Caralho spent two weeks camping around Finland this summer. From Helsinki, Rovaniemi, Tampere, Turku, Hanko and Mikkeli it was a blast. Kiitos Finland.

Cruzade Skateboards – “The Tournament 2022”

The Tournament 2022 in Ramputene DIY, under the bridge in San Sebastian, Basque country.

John Worthington is Pro for Creature Skateboards!

Danny Darkness – The Haunting

Like a bat outta hell, @dannydarknessx comes back with another part!
Filmed by @thanksfool and @brucerodela


Filmed by Carly Cunningham. Edited by Garrett Kilbarger and Carly Cunningham

Mit dem SEV nach BZ

For the Bautzen Video “mit dem sev nach bz” we took the train and checked out some spots on the way to Bautzen DIY spot jam in east Germany where it mostly rained all weekend, but there were small slots to skate the diy. Filmed / edited by Eier Schecke

PUTA CALOR – Antiz Skateboards

War, Economic Recession, Limits of Industrialization, Global Warming, Fires, fucked up 2022.
Filmed by @011sabink Directed by @frenchfred & @maarko.phntm // @antizskateboards

Adriano Alves and Nando at Cherry Bowl DIY – Kreuzlingen, Switzerland

Featuring: Adriano Alves (@adrianoalves_114) and Nando (@dr.nabla)
Filmed & Edited: Alessandro Patt (@alessandro_patt)

Schecke 5

Eierschecke SB Crew, from Leipzig/Dresden in Germany skate the home spots and head off to Kassel, Weimar, Genova, Brescia and the Leipziger DIY Spot Giesser, among other spots. Edited by Eier Schecke

Hanging out with Eric

Video series with Eric Hutchinson @erichutch_
Filmed / edited by Chase Langton @chasex10000

Richi Larios

Filmed by: Dídac Baldà


A video by Lucien Parsons documenting their skate trip to Copenhagen, featuring the crew: Bear Myles, Jordan Thackery, Jay Lentern, Jordo Lightower, and Bjorn


Mosty, meaning bridges in Czech, is the new video of the crew around Prague’s skateshop called

Basque country DIY road trip

This is the story of two friends who have two free days. Their trip was based on the same rules as their last road trip: “skateparks are good, but DIYs are better.” So they decided to drive down to the french and spanish basque country. Skaters: @crailusss @ssagazzz Association: @ariskateboard

The Dark Side of the Moose

Filmed on location at some of the south’s crustiest bowls and parks by Darwin and Danny Bulmer of Moose Skate Shop

Myllyn Pikkujoulut

Summer weekend in beautiful Havumäki ranch in Finland. Film/edit: Antti Salonen

TJ Schick – Cal Skate pool part

Filmed by @deandickinson_ & @insunandmoon

Danny Darkness – “Bat Country”

Skating by @dannydarknessx for Darkness is down with Confusion! He clears the smoke, finally puts the bottle down and gets to work. Filmed by @brucerodela Co-featuring @jesseboudreau

Erick Gaba Hernandez – “Ni una mas!”

Independent video part by @skatanvision recorded in Zapopan, Guadalajara and Bahía de Banderas Nayarit.

Chudaloo – Bellyskates

Disgusting skate parasites bring forward a propaganda film for their ethereal leader Bellyful Skates. Grab a beer, roll a cig and burn your eyes out on the pestilence. @bellyful_skateboards


Hiroshima DIY spots built by DLS crew
Video by Junya Nagashima / Hardcore Magazine

Jay Fairman “mini part”

Edited by Conor Holliday. Music by Loserfur “White Horse”. Filmed by Jeff Biedenbach, Oliver Whitelaw, Conor Holliday, Steven Page and Jacob Rexroat

No Sleep Till Dorset

video / edit by Tom Leigh

No Shitting Please – OAKLAND DIY

Filmed and edited by @4wbs

Bridge Burnin

Jonas U. Bünger (Ginger), Bjørn Lillesøe, Lukas Lundgaard Olsen, Sebastian La Cour, Søren Noe and Nicky Guerrero. Filmed by Johan Benda

The Ampt Video – Celebrating 20 years of Ampt skateshop in Arcata, California

Filmed and edited by Nick Kraus, featuring all the good homies up here in Humboldt.

Greifswalder DIY – Berlin

Filmed and edited by Martin Melior


The debut installment of Tyler Wherley’s @tylerwherlz “The Cruise Never Stops” series. A homie video filmed over the past three years featuring Eric Hutchinson, Spicy Boys, Emilio Bellomo, Josh Mattson, Aaron Ingram, Sean Plundeke, Kenny Goodman, Tyler Stonestrom, Nate Recine, and many more.

Bridge footage – W.S.V.T

Filmed by Carly Cunningham (@carlycunningram) from September 2018 – September 2022. Edited by Garrett Kilbarger (@transformosaurus_rex)


This bowl was built by the Concrete Dreams crew in a squat in Melle in an old swimming pool with the original pool coping to make some proper noise! Filmed / edited by Harry Billiet

Sugar Town

A video by Lucien Parsons. Featuring: Tobias Moors, Bear Myles, Tom Kinmon, Henry Gibbs, Jay Lentern, Jordan Lightowler, Will Stradling, Jake Spencely. Bristol, UK.

Greg Pachell – shop rats

Greg Pachell @oldgingerbastard and the Zembo skate shop team rats shredding the mini ramp. Filmed by Kenny Zhuo

Manos Sucias: 7PM Tijuana

Filmed / edited by Tyler Hopkins @gonecemental
Featuring Malachi Riley, Archer Braun and Griffin Clingman at Manos Sucias

Pouring in the Wild with Clayton Graul

Clayton Graul has made it his mission to give back to the world of skateboarding, learn more about how he got into DIY and what it means to him. Video by Common Youth

COROLLA TRIP: Village Skateboards

Village Skateboards (@village.skates) is about hand shaping boards, screwing plywood together, drinking beer, grinding pool copings and pouring concrete.


Video edit by Julien Papen

The Neighbour’s View – DIY backyard ramp – Copenhagen, Denmark

Skaters: Fridrik Bodilsen, Bjørn Lillesøe, Luke Rasch and Jonas “Ginger” Bünger.
Filmed / edited: Antonio Piepo.

Underground of the Blood – Adriano Alves

Sin Ollie 6 – Javier Saavedra

Filmed by: Nahikari Pérez and Jose Luís Ouzande


Filmed / edited by @ariskateboard

Just in Time

Spots skated by Dallas Rockvam, Lorenz Schneider, David Bachl, Stjepan Lovrich and Niki Katranas. Edited by David Thaller. Artwork by Lorenz Schneider

Hyppyri – The Air Maker

Penna and Kymis build up a jump ramp and were testing it. The first jump got a way further than expected! Video by Kymäläinen & Salisma Art Production. @countryboys_original

Wald 2021 Summer Tour

Featuring Fulvio Vignolo, Federico Fontanella, Liam Galli, Carlo Schievano, Alessandro Bruno and Roberto “Spesso” Sacchetti.

Bollerdamm – bridge over troubled quarters

Filmed and edited by Christoph Stiller.


Starring: Hinano Kusaki, Shinichi “buc” Sakurai and Guy Kameyama. Filmed/Edited: Junya Nagashima

Yeah Roy! Skating, Squatting, and Music in Melbourne

In 2012, a group of skaters and BMX riders from Fitzroy, Melbourne built skateparks inside abandoned buildings. This documentary follows their squatting days, featuring some of Melbourne’s best skaters, local bands and underground parties. Skating from: Aladdin, Alexi Dowley, Will Hine, Happy, James Wright, Josh Rouillon, Brett Royden and many more. Music by: Ghetto Ghetto and The Teenage Mothers. Film made by Tom Mac (@olddogmcgoverny)

Bellyful skAtes at Henderson ramp

Filmed / edited by Rory Gibbs


Bryan Arbol – “Hangar 19” Aysha Skateboards Video Part

Filmed and edited by Gonzalo Gomez Gaete (@gonzhop)

the boys in colorado

Filmed and edited by Carly Cunningham. Skaters: Ryan Cardone, Chuck Pontone, Gavin Rosenberg, Jaeson Manzanares, Jeff Rasp, Jesse Scelso, Adam Mercado, Mike Jones, Zach Cusano, Jordan Beverly and Timmy Stevens.

Slab City

Documenting the Rerun Sale and skate event at the brand new Slab City, Canvas Park, at Dean Lane Skatepark. Featuring: Bear Myles, Pete Gronau, Keen Will, Sox, Tom Kinmon, Pat Cog, Wes Morgan, Gill Amos and many more. Filmed & edited by Lucien Parsons.

RKLG – Lyhäri (2021)

RAMP DOGZ SUMMER TOUR 2021 Pt2.- Eastern Finland. Rippers:Seppo, Rasmus, Viki, Alppe, Teemu, Kisvonen, Heini, Jerkku, Santtukukko, Lasvo, Käre, Sanders, Jose, Tonni, Ahto, Stedi & Luu. Edit: Aleksi Martikainen.

Ingo Fröbrich’s “50 is just a number” – vert part

Celebrating German vert skater Ingo Fröbrich turning 50 years old!
Filmed and edited by Dennis Harwardt.

The Chamrousse DIY project

This summer, an army of skate masons from all over Europe gathered in Chamrousse in the French Alps to voluntarily complete the third phase of construction of its DIY skatepark. They took the opportunity to test and approve their work as shown in this video – DIY holidays for a good cause in partnership with Wonders Around the World, Totem Chamrousse and M16 LPTB. Video / Edit: Adrien Motte

JOSH HEATH – “Must’ve been high”

“Compilation of clips of Josh Heath ranging from around 10 years back (2011-2021), all the way up to a couple weeks ago, a decade of Seek & Destroy, released today on his 45th birthday.”

POGO3012 skate tour – Czech Republic – summer 2021

Directed by: Jan Mioduchowski Skaters: Przemysław Hippler, Daniel “Bajkowy” Leśniak, Mateusz “Cashkyet” Kałużny, Blacha, Franciszek Dyrda, Diana Figiel and Piotr Dabov. Guest appearances by Ondrej Havran and Frantisek Havranek.

Christopher Khan’s part from ZMER ISTO x Obsesen

DZTV Episode 4

Bryggeriet skatepark in Malmö rebuilds it’s skatepark every summer so that the locals have a new park to skate every winter!
Video by Dorkzone

Halloween attack at Slappy Wonderland DIY under the bridge in Dortmund, Germany.

Filmed / edited by Paul Rüdinger

Ritual IV Trailer

Featuring Bobby Hebner, Cameron Targosz, Darren Miller, Jonny Palmer, Justin Richards, Kris Cormier, & Tyler Lucero. Filmed & Edited by Ryan Heier @ritualskateboarding

I Know These Guys

Featuring Jonas “Ginger” Bügner, Luke Rasch, Jonas Skrøder, Wes Kremer, Jacopo Selvo, and Nachi. Filmed / edited by Antonio Piepo @jehovas_wetness


Alex Titanio x SHQMM. Filmed and Edited by Javier Saavedra.

COASTAL. A video by Lucien Parsons (@lucienparsons).

Rerun Streetwear take on the South-Coast of England on a weekend trip away with the Bristol chiefs!
Featuring: Bear Myles, (Clever) Ryan Price, Will Mix, Jordan Lightowler, Keen Will, Baz Dan and Francis Herbert.

“FAITH” a film by Lucien Parsons.

Starring Jay Lentern, Jordan Lightowler, Bear Myles, Henry Gibbs, Keen Will, Jordan Thackery, and Tom Kinmon.

Happy Places

A film by Tyler Hopkins. Featruing DJ Martin, Nick McMahon, Markey, Dan Weiss, Charie Weiss, Trevor Bradbury, Elijah Akerley, Marcel Martinez, Jaiden Boucher, Archer Braun, Gary Bolos, Lil Ry, Gary Owens, John Worthington, Barlos, Wes Kremer, Brandon Perelson, Steve Roche, Biscuits, Miltion Martinez, Chester, Goose, Bryson Lamb, Darrel Delgado, Jake Szabo, Jesse McEneaney, Tom Remillard, Raymond, Henry Gartland and more.

Gregor Senfter – “Trés”

Filmed by Jonas “Die Party” Kirchmair, Don Simon, David Bachl, Kevin Holub, Josef Duperret, Mac Minikan, Lux Gram, Marcel Mair, Robert Lindenbauer, Samuel Strack. Edited by Mac Minikan

Rough blacktop at the DIY fix.

@clayton_graul‘s step by step instructions on smoothing out the old asphalt.


Filmed by Kenny McLachlan @shrednroll. Edited by JB @jeffbiedenbach


@adrianoalves_114 hitting up some DIY spots in Switzerland: Bernside, Mooswerk, Weyerli and Portland Basel. Filmed / edited by Trash Days @trash13days_

Damon Iannetta “The Barn” Edit

Filmed by Jansen L. Horrocks

Noah Johnson – “Wishes” Video Part

Music: Wishes – Equipto feat. Andre Nickatina. Filmed/Edited: Ross Dordan @empty_safe

Big Transition Mission #2

The Coastal Crusade follows Frank Ghallager, Will Brandt, Jacob and Eric Hutchinson down the coast on an escape route from Portlandia. Will (@wills_storagebin) frontside grinds all pool coping in sight and leads the charge while Eric (@nbdgod) dances with the edge. Frank (@frontsidefrank), a true locomotive, pounds countless Yerbs to become an unstoppable force for 5 days straight. Edited by: Eric Hutchinson

Niv Halpern – “Arboreal Locomotion”

Filmed by Shir Yarmitzki. Edited by Niv Halpern. Titles by Shir Yarmitzki and Idan Halpern

Salinas Skatepark | Asturias, Spain | July 2021

Skaters: Javier Saavedra, Stewart Smtih, Foni Ardao, Moro, Joaco Orga, Alex Egea and Kini González. Animation: @dirty_joaco
Filmed by: @haywirephoto Edited by: @reelfunmedia

Obsesn ZMER ISTO: Kuzma and Aidin

DIY rats Aidin Zahirović and Gregor Kuzmič sharing a part for Obsešn “Zmer Isto” skate video out of Slovenia.

Bart Saric – 51 tricks for 51 years of age

NIC RIVERA – “No Future”

In collaboration with Pocket Pistols, Nic Rivera rips through backyard pools, DIY skate spots, and streets across Southern California in his new video part, premiering exclusively on Confusion Magazine.
Filmed and edited by Cyrus Read. Additional filming by Justin Deandrade

DZTV Episode 2

Oski, Filip Almqvist, Ville Wester – showcasing the latest in skate culture from Malmö.
Filmed and edited by Phil Evans

Hard Bargin

Backyard pools, ditches, DIY spots, road trips, and more. Filmed and edited by Devon Cooper. Featuring: Matthew Wilcox, Nick Walker, Garret Killbarger, Duje Dragoyevich, Hayden Cochren, Sean Pludeke, Aaron Ingram, Ivan Wilcox, Barefoot Mike, Race Nagal, Raymond Hertz, AJ Rosete, James Oro, Michael Kawanaka, Johnny Stone, Tristen Adamson, Stanton Mulder, Chris Tarrosa, Jobert Tarrosa, MJ Catagan, Myles Harrison, David Anderson, Phillip Cross, Francis Kamara, Brad Kovac, Brad Poore, Luis Valdez, Mary N., David Alyn, Kevin Kowalski, Gavin Bottger, Tony Trujillo, Trixie Trujillo, Waylon Trujillo, Justin “Figgy” Figueroa, Don Nguyen, Sean “Frecks” Stewart, Lucas Miller, Chris Russell, Jesse Lindloff, Cedric Pabich, Omar Hassan, Toby Ryan, Keegan Palmer, Grindline the Band, Drunk Dom & The Roaches, Dalton Dern, Marcel Martinez, Evan Smith, Anakin Senn, Wiley Archbold, Sabino Lopez, Aaron Yant and Thane Morin. @solitudezine


Country Boys from Hauho, Finland, have finally finished their everlasting movie project – Fuck The World. The trip has been long and required lots of blood and sweat. The movie was filmed during 2016-2020 all over the Europe and a bit outside of it as well. All the team riders who have their own parts in the film have done the part’s own music, if this is not DIY then what is!? Movie contains parts from Pena, Miska, Jave (+Heikki & Marko), Kymis and Eero. Long live Hauho, Long live Heikki’s combine harvester!!!


Weekend mission to Southeast Finland with a good crew of Windmill- and Windagram boys. Daylight all night, beers, camping, D.I.Ys and skateboarding. Video:
Antti Salonen. Music: Bo-Erik Jansson, “Pengar”. Steel Reptile, “In Love With Satan”.

Skatanic Disciples – Volume 2 – “At War with Skatan”


Video by Good Old Days Skateboarding


Weekend visit to Suvilahti with Luca Karhu, Rasmus Mäkelä and Pentti Linnamaa.
Video: Antti Salonen. Music: Saatana1234 – “Soita mun mutsille”

Concrete Lifestyle // Betonin ehdoilla

A story about concrete skatepark building in Finland. The main themes are work, perseverance or Finnish “sisu” and togetherness. Concrete is the boss – it determines the working hours and the pace.” Director, screenwriter: Helena Sorvali. Cinematographers: Saara Karppinen, Heikki Nummi, Helena Sorvali


Filmed / edited by @bobaj
Music by @julienpapen

Laird Brunson (Lights The Video)

Filmed and edited by Chris dunne


Filmed by Jeff Biedenbach and Frank Shaw

Torstaiprojekti -@WINDMILLSKATECO


Geil und Gefährlich – Utopia DIY – Dortmund, Germany

2020 marks the year of the big C when being around friends became difficult, travel occasions were rare and skateparks (temporarily) closed. One place that was so much more than just a “park” even shut down permanently (RIP UTOPIA DIY). A magical place located on a hill behind Dortmund’s infamous U. A home to skateboarding built by locals. A dream it – do it – create it yourself kinda place that was shaped by a community and shaped a whole new community in itself. Ultimately torn down for the ugly sake of big business. Filmed & edited by Jana. Additional filming by: Lara, Sarah, Katja. Artwork by Lisa.

NATURE CALLS // Rollbriättfilm MMXX.

Dedicated to Ferit. 26.10.1985 – 18.5.2020.
Filmed by Dietz, Zeyen, Beckers, Westermann / Edited by Fabian Dietz Somateria mollissima.

Enjoi – Sweet 16mm — by Thomas Campbell

Sweet 16 is a collection of unseen and used clips from the Thomas Campbell film “Ye olde destruction”. These were the last filming missions that the Enjoi team all got to skate with Ben (Raemers) before he passed away. The piece is dedicated to Ben.

Marlon Silva – From Asphalt to Basalt | Lipstick Skateboards

“Marlon is one of those true ones that you can only find in real life. On the asphalt. On the basalt. He is admired not just for his skateboarding but also for the person he’s become. Who doesn’t love Gnarrlon? The youngsters call him inspiration. Because he passes on what he learns, doesn’t hold anything back. He keeps the fire burning and shares the barbecue. Editing this video was like closing a cycle. The kid we saw growing up now helping other kids grow. Proud of you, my brother. Welcome aboard.” – Pedro Damasio.

LPSTK Inc is a non-profit organization that provides access to skateboarding for kids living in underserved communities. We build camaraderie and expose kids to all the creative opportunities skateboarding can bring.

Garrett Kilbarger (@ppuddl3s) for Confusion Magazine

Filmed by Carly Cunningham (@carlycunningram).

Greg Pachell – “Brandon filmed this”

Greg Pachell @OldGingerBastard Filmed and edited by Brandon Monahan @BranMonahanPhoto


The year 2020 brought us its batch of mutation generated by variant 38, this document shows us the symptoms developed as a result of this Grenoble strain. To avoid any contamination respect the barrier jersey. Filmed / edited by: CHO7. Featuring: Audran, Joël, Elliott, Thomas, JOJO, CHO7, Lauraline, Teva, Rasta 51, Gros, Balisto, Lloyd, Teddy, Crani, Arno, Simon et Walid.

Eric Hutchinson – Manak Skateboards

Eric Hutchinson (@nbdgod) for Manak Skateboards (@manakskates). Filmed by Carly Cunningham (@carlycunningram)

25 Years of the Vertical Vampire! The Darren Navarrette Story

Sin Ollie 5 – Javier Saavedra

Filmed by Nahikari Pérez. Additional filming: Pablo Ribera, Oscar Rois, Jose Panes “Pitu”, Dani Ipiña, Alejandro Arroyo, Angel VP, Santiago Canle, Adri Rivadulla, Christian Ruanova, David Quintela, Pedro Morales, Alex “titanio”, Jose Luís Ouzande, Adri Martínez, and Ander Morea. Music: True Mountains, “Superstition”.


Video and words by Andrew Metzger
Animations by Anton Thallner and Brigid McCartan
Music by Return to Forever


Filmed all around the world, the Team rips and grind hard. Edited By Bastien Regeste
Featuring Ben Koppl, Adrien Coillard, TrumanBurbank, Victor Cascarigny, Arno Wagner, Leo Valls, Enzo Morel, Ignacio Morata, Artur Fontis, Etienne Turnbull, Patrick Costa, Nikolo Bromo, Francois Tizon, Simon Weisser, Guillaume Challet, Bastien Regeste, Theo Moga, Bastien Marlin, Nassir Roumou,Thomas Courteille, Tom Botwid, Efrem, Luca Crestani, Joe Hinson, Dirk Broerson, Lucien Genand, Joe Hill, Mickael Mackrodt, Ben Gonsolin, YeahLeYeah, Fred Ploque Santos & Jeremie Daclin

MALARCHER – Skeleton Key x Local Skateshop

Featuring Archer Braun and frinds

Plethora – Sean Kirkpatrick – video part

Filmed/edited by Stephen Krajnik

Plethora – East Coast Skate video

Filmed/edited by Stephen Krajnik from 2016-2019
Featuring Matt Gollette, Andrew Boccella, Brett Levin, Joey Flora, Sean Kirkpatrick, Alex Dalasio, Darion Harrold, Mikey Sweeny, Christian Islas, Brendan McKee, Ronald Turner, Jon Pine, Ryan Chaney, and Enrique Santiago.

IRON 666

Featuring: Frederik Høpfner, Mikkel Tørper, Casper Haugegaard, Lasse Olsen, Thomas Mensink, Mikkel Haugegaard, Emil Haarhøj & Lukas Olsen. Filmed in 2020 by Casper Haugegaard

Dumb Skateboards – Ho Fame

Featuring Mauro Caruso, Alessio Zanfei, Tito Colica, Chicco di Paolo, Daniel Cardone, Raffaele Pola, Matteo Carmagnini, Stefan Zanette, Tom Derichs, Simone Verona, Gio Grazzani, and Mattia Turco.

Robian Fifield – Nothing else to do.

“Robian and I filmed for 3 months for this part because he had nothing else to do. I moved to the Caribbean so our time window was set. After three months of filming I started editing in Curacao while Bastiaan worked on the animations in South Korea.” – Hobbe Hollands

Evan Breder “Suburban Selection”

Filmed and edited by Bill Simpson. Additional filming by Collin Welch.
“Suburban Selection” DVDs and T-Shirts available at:

Coping Episode 2

Video by @deepstatedave featuring full parts from @double_Mallgrab and @youngclickclack” and co-featuring Aaron Wical, Mitchell Mendez, Zach Lewis,Brandon McCormick, Dave Duesterberg, Demarcus James, Steve Strand, Matt Mehl, Clay Howell, Lara Botto, Toad, Jack Given, Zac Barclay, Nick Berkeley, Chris Corpuz, Josh Balogh, Andrew Quiroz, Nate Recine, and Jason Galindo.


A Calgary skateboard video edited by Liam Glass, filmed by Liam Glass & Rob Thorpe, featuring parts from Lane Mosolf, Jeff Thompsen, Derrick Timoshenko, Ryan Spate, Steve Rohl and Chad Baker.


“This film is dedicated to Pablo Ramirez–We love you. Full parts from Hayden Estrada, Matt Bergmann, Seegull aka Stephen Brayman, Zane Timpson, Elijah Akerley & Kayl Johnson. Adam Anorga & Zane Timpson made this video. Additional filming by Israel Garcia II. Get outside, push faster than necessary, catch a frontside & remember why you love this shit.” WesternWorld


Filmed / edited by Andrew Metzger

:::: YASUNI :::::

A VX video from the Bidasoa region of Basque Country. Featuring: Ibon Achutegui, Alvaro Elizalde, Aitor Lorenzo, David Bereau, Alvar Gutierrez, Asier Fagoaga, Jaime Larrañaga, Aritz Irazoki, Ibai Movilla, Aitor Ilzarbe, Imanol Lalanne, Tito Llanos, Aritz Itazoki, Pablo Ribera, Javier Saavedra, Javier Larrañaga and Mikel Munduate. Recorded between August and October 2020

SCHOL – a Belgian skate video

Filmed between 2018 and 2020. Edited by Koen Van den Broeck. Enjoy…and Schol (aka Cheers!)

The Wave – Concrete Jungle Foundation

The short documentary was filmed by CJF volunteer Julian Sonntag during the construction of Kingston’s first skatepark in March-April 2020. The film focuses on the Jamaica skate scene, their quest for a skatepark and the Freedom Skatepark Project that arose as a result.

Denver Danglers – Issue 7

Edited by Chuck Pontone


The 10th annual skate tour of the Rozkurwiel Crew from Poland, hitting up DIY skate spots, street spots and skateparks in Berlin, Hannover, Haderslev, Kopenhagen, Malmö, Stockholm and Bromölla. a Szrot zine production.

Nessuno – Peter Stromberger

We make Video

Leipzig based homie video. Filmed by the homies, edited by the homies, watched by the homies.

Jansen Horrocks – “Current Motion”- LEAP BOARDS

An East Coast skateboarding film for Leap Boards.
Filmed by Luke Williams.

KO Recap

Knockout Blocks recap video of some skateboard action and random footage from 2018/2019 filmed with VX2000.

The Tony Alva Story

Written & Directed by Rick Charnoski & Coan “Buddy” Nichols/Six Stair Productions
“THINK AGAIN” – presented by HARD TIMERS


Coping Episode 1

Life is tough. How do you cope? A skateboarding video series by David Duesterberg.
Logo by: Steve Strand. Music by: Mondrian and Link Wray
Featuring: Mondrian Mendez, Kevin Reynolds, Jason Galindo, Aaron Wical, Dominick Dahbour, Eric Hutchinson, Clay Howell, Emma Gunnison, Sean Henderson, Nate Recine, Steve Strand, Chris Henderson, Josh Balogh, Chanel Johnson, Andrew Quiroz, Demarcus James, and Jesse “Wheatberry” Driggs.

Corner Truck Coping Grind to Grind

Grind to Grind built and skated by German Periñan, Dani, Fonco, Mosqui and Tito at Kamping DIY in Chiclana de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain. Filmed by Jesús Gómez • Edited by Abraham Videoproyectos. • Music by MZ.412 – Mourning Star.


Covobeach DIY is Romain Covolan’s latest project, Romain Covolan along with Gaëtan Ducellier, Hugo Westrelin and Elian Pergher and Madie, took a break from building to stretch those legs! – coLLAPSe skateboards Filmed by Greg Poissonnier + Sket. Edited by Alberto Scattolin. Music: Those Guys

Adam Mercado – FRESH EGGS – Sined Skateboards

Sined Skateboards‘ rider Adam Mercado brings his Rocky Mountain style to California backyard pools and a desert vert ramp in this action packed part – Fully filmed all in backyards – Adam annihilates everything in his path. Filmed / edited by Zach Cusano. Music by Powerslide

Bacon Skateboards: Ham Payers

Bacon began filming at the beginning of the pandemic to share a short video of a few minutes long and it spiraled out of control into a full length video.
Edited by Dustin Brown and Colin Sharp

John Worthington’s “Indy” Part

Empty pools, Full pipes and DIY spots – see it all in John Worthington’s Independent Trucks video part
Filmed by Josh “Peacock” Henderson
Edited by Jacob “Paco” Nuñez

OMSA BOWL 2.0 – Germany -(R.I.P)

Featuring @kupa_row @kutickworks David Tuschell @marcelweber_1 @teamnavashark @lentes.jan @marc0liver @dietsches_omsa @ramp_local @abriss_lurkoholik @dirty_joaco @artur_coriolano @donlippinski @thom_eaton Körwi @tobias_hees @renegadesk8 Dirk @jimjuicemaniac Bowl built by Hans, Dietsches and friends and Minus Pools.
Filmed / Edited by @tobias_hees / @hoellenritt


Filmed and edited by Andrew Metzger / Viewfinder Journal

Small Beating Ice Colds

“Nothing beats a skate road trip with all your friends. We’ve been doing this for ten years now and it never gets old, and after days on the road skating out in the burning sunlight, there’s nothing quite like the extravagance of a frosty, refreshing ice cold, cooled in a mountain current rippling through a glacial valley, beneath the easy shade of the coastal woodland. Forget about Monster, forget Gatorade, skateboarding already has an official drink: Ice Colds“.
Video by Dave Duesterberg

Kampyn DIY – Chiclana de la Frontera – Cadiz, Spain

Filmed & Edited by Jesus Gomez @jesusgomezwarm • Music by Sub Society
Skaters: Dani Nucleo @dani_nucleo / Miguel Sanchez @m1guelsanchez / Jaime Fontecilla @jaime_cairo_fontecilla / Pablo Berenguer @lenwita / Lorenzo Correa @lorenscorrea1 / Alberto Velazquez @tarugoskate

Manuel Gomez – “Chantier” Part

“This year, Manuel is leaving Lille (our city) to go down south, to make his farewells we thought it would be great to edit what he has filmed since he got in town.” Filmed by Pierre Rousset and Thomas Larive. Edited by Manuel Gomez and Thomas Larive.

Brown Tea – RWTB

Brown Tea, a video filmed over the summer of 2019
Featuring: Joe Howard, Nathan Wood, James Foster (Foz), Jay Mill, Brendan Watson, Sam Hutchinson (Blinky), Harry Townend, Joe Townend, Tom Wade, Martyn Hill, Albie Edmonds, George Smith, Watko, John Sykes, Aiden Blaymire, Joe Allen, Josh Blasutto, Corie Gray, Doug McLaughlan, Avid. RWTB. Film & Edit: Will Smith

Aloha Skateboards “15 Years of Biers”

Filmed / Edited by Matthias WelkerAloha Skateboards

“Ye Olde Destruction” Full Movie – By Thomas Campbell

DZTV Episode 3

Tao & Oski, Sibbarp history, Saxophone, Andreas Glad Art, Eliott ripping & more! Produced by Nils Svensson. Filmed and edited by Phil Evans. Animations by Mike O´Shea

immortali – meaningless productions

Featuring Alessandro Cesario, Aref Koushesh, Simone Verona, Mattia Turco and more. Filmed around Italy (Florence and Tuscany in general; Milan; Triest; Rome; Naples); Slovenia; Barcelona; LA; Malmö and Copenhagen.

Cruzade skateboards – A weekend with the army

Before the lockdown, the Cruzade army went to Bilbao for a skateboarding weekend. Featuring Ian Campbell, Captain Jairock, Paola Flores, Keltsa Sanchez, Aitor Perez, Iraia Esobar and Natxo Aguado. Filmed / edited by Pablo Ribera

Jeroen Bruggeman’s part in JackyJackyJackyJackyJackyJacky

CYC – Community Service (One For The Homies)

A collective of full parts, montages & contests filmed in 2019. Featuring: Aiden Caruth, Andy Raasch, Dylan Dowd, Brendan Garcia, Nick Peterson, Chad Fenlon, Kevin Kowalski, Mark “Red” Scott, Quintin LaVille, Ashley Marion, Will Brandt, Austin Funk & Much More. With a special appearance by Jim Gray & Daewon Song. Video by Drew Bieschke

Abatoire 16 story of a DIY skatepark – Grenoble, France

This movie shows the construction, the ride and the destruction of one of the biggest DIY skatepark build in Grenoble, France. It take us back to year 2006, and was a big element of how the Grenoble skate scene is now. Filmed / edited by Cho Sept

Ravioli: Gavo and Cardone in California

Gavin Rosenberg and Ryan Cardone went to California. Filmed / edited by Carly Cunningham


Skaters: Sol Rosales, Clever Balladares, Toni Ron, Andrés Chong qui, “Brother” Javier Menendez, Sergio Iborra, Davide Crepaz, Greko Mejía, “Destroyer” Oscar Osuna, Santiago Flores, Jean Bacilio, Javier Robelli, Pedro Vivas, Andrés Brito, Chaka, Lola Altozano y más tribu…!!! Produced by: Damián Vásquez

Wellington DIY Dogs: Nobody’s Home

Concussion magazine – “Damaged”

Concussion magazine’s 2nd full length video “DAMAGED”. Originally released 2003, now online.
Edited by Dave Amell, Davoud Kermaninejad and Jonathan Hay.

Grosso’s Loveletters to Skateboarding – DIY Skateparks

R.I.P. Grosso

Greifswalder DIY – Berlin, Germany

Filmed / edited by Martin Meli

STOKED at the Broken Neck

A renegade DO IT YOURSELF Warehouse in East Austin, Texas, that thrives through a community of local skaters and musicians.


A trip trough Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with Uryan Raudet, Samu Karvonen, Roland Hirsch, Julien Bachelier and Rudolfs Rorbahs.
Filmed by: Teemu Metsäkylä
Edited: Garis Choises

Super Charged, the life and times of Tim Brauch

An insight into San Jose’s pride and joy of skateboarding. Tim was a leader and ambassador of skateboarding. He toured the world to spread the love of the game. Tim defined integrity in skateboarding.
Documentary by Pete Koff


Deer Man of Dark Woods full part in Baghead Crew’s new full length video “FUNERAL”. Filmed throughout the U.K whilst Deer Man of Dark Woods visited some unholy English soil with a few clips filmed throughout Vancouver BC. Also featuring Shred Roe and Stan Byrne.
Filmed and Edited by Forde Brookfield.
Song: “Humiliating Nazarenic Corpse” by Human Agony.


Filmed by Andrés Carreño. Edited by Andrés Carreño and Ignacio Jimenez


Prefazione is the transition to adulthood of a project present within us when we still did not know what Wald was (/val.t/).

With Prefazione we want to summarize what Wald has been like in these years and introduce what we want to create in the time to come.

Skateboarding, nature and the art of knowing how to get by, are the pillars of the manifesto. The desire to create and produce is the engine. The aim is to feel good.

Prefazione marks the transition from what was done FOR friends to what is done WITH friends.


BlackLabel | Jake Reuter | Trash Can

Jake Reuter‘s new part from Black Label Skateboards
Filmed and Edited by Ryan Maddox

Tadashi Filters X Elijah Akerley’s Last Year’s Leftovers

Dorkzone 2 “Le Boxx”

Starring Gabbe Viking, Moa Zander, Mimmi Leckius, Amandus Mortensen and Sondre Mortensen.
Animations by Mike O’Shea. Soundtrack by Sondre Mortensen. Filmed/edited by Philip Evans.

INDRAUSEN (Indro Martinenghi) – 2019 PHONE MONTAGE

Filmed / edited by Daniele Galli

Gnarcel’s WSVT Slaughter

Filmed by: Zander Ritchie

SIN OLLLIE 4 – Javier Saavedra

Also featuring Pablo Ribera, Niv Halpern, Edu Naranjo, Sergi Meca, Hector Heredia “chetos”, Nahikari Pérez, Sergio Fernéndez, Alberto “heavyskater”, Jose Luis Ouzande, Puskas, Javier Menendez “brother” and Adri Villar. Music: Nueva Generación “Supéralo”.




The Viewfinder Journal is a new video magazine by Confusion contributor Andrew Metzger which focuses on independent filmmakers in skateboarding. Each issue is a collection of short montages by different videographers. Issue One features guest edits by Shawn Karagjozi and Matt Iovannone.

Nothing Less – a skateboard film

Filmed and edited by Kristijan Stramic

Filmed and edited by Chris Johnson (@heshfuck)

cOLLAPSe « Tripel Tour » in Antwerp, Belgium

Featuring Matt Débauché, Hugo Westrelin, George Poole, Gaêtan Ducellier and Romain Covolan. Filmed by Alberto Scattolin and Greg Poissonnier. Edited by Alberto Scattolin.

“The Freshman” – Quintin LaVille

Filmed by Jamie Jacobson

Enrique Santiago – video part

Filmed/Edited by Stephen Krajnik


Skateboard stuff from the alps scene, lots of crazy and unique spot from the french alps shredded by local ripperz. Filmed / edited by Cho Sept


Pedro Lopes – video part – 2019

Pedro Lopes’ video part is an independent project filmed by Octavio Scholz and Bruno Passos in Brazil, California and Portugal and edited by Pedro himself.

Cavity Wax – WE SUCK – CURB CULT – DIY skateboarding


THE DAB VIDEO 2 [Pablo Ribera 2019]

Skateboarding video that reflects the scene of the Txingudi region in Basque country. Skate for fun. A memory of almost two years of sessions. Engraved and edited by Pablo Ribera between 2018 and 2019.


@ryanmaddox on the wrong side of the lens. Filmed by Nate Sanchez, Jon Rogers, Ace Pelka, and Monico Candelaria. Same shit, different day.

DO IT YOURSELF – Documentary

“Documentary whose objective is to discover the practice and skateboarding scene in the region of Herault (France), with the guys from Beaulieu DIY, BBC DIY and Bastien Marlin. This is my first documentary and it was done almost alone during a study project.”
Filmed and Edited by Axel Niqueux

Craig’s Brexit Questions

Craig Questions heads from the woods of Kent, England where he works as a lumberjack (when he is not traveling as a professional skateboarder) and heads to Westminster to talk to the protesters to answer some questions he has about Brexit. Filmed and Edited by Tim Crawley @crawleyflicks Additional footage from Dan Joyce @joycedivision

138 skateboards – D.O.A.

A bunch of misfits that love skateboarding, the whole team suffered injuries filming this film. Two busted knees, one elbow, one foot, and one heart. Life can be shit, so we give you 138skateboards Dead on arrival.

Niv Halpern – “Sloths Aren’t Lazy” – video part

Filmed by Evyatar Goshen

Cal Young Skates 2nd Annual WJ Halloween Jam 2019

CYC Presents The 2nd Annual Halloween Jam at the Washington/Jefferson Skatepark in Eugene, OR built by Dreamland Skateparks.

Magical Mosh Misfits crew went on a trip to Singapore. Featuring: Morilla, Jima, Yuki, Hino, Yano, Genki, Keishiro, Wadapp. Video: Jima

Bacon 2019

Edited by Chuck Pontone aka Underground Chuck

Heroin Skateboards – Earth Goblin Trailer


An 80s influenced British street-life comedy violence skateboarding film created by Ed Hubert and his starring cast Jake Snelling, Craig Questions, Jack Lammas, and Dan Singer, co-starring Stockwell locals and friends.

“TRADITION” By ‘Skater Made’ Skateboards

“Tradition x A SK8 Rock Experience” is the 2nd full length Skate Film in 1 year from the “Skater Made” Skateboards TEAM. Starring : Odin Saric, Jesse Papik, Willy Correa, Bart Saric, Todor Harizanov, Todd Nadolny and ‘The Skater Made Nation’.

Shaun Boucher “Relocated” video part

Shaun Boucher relocated from Mt Maunganui, New Zealand to the Gold Coast, Australia and has been thrashing all terrain in his path. Filmed / edited by @youflipifilm

Nomadic’s Annual B-Day Jam 2019 – Newport, Oregon

“Tie Dye by Alicia Wells. Coffee from Devils Churn. Darlene & Trevor on the BBQ. Ross, Candyman, & Will behind the lens. Ross with the edit.” @emptyspace

One Week With Jarne Verbruggen (in Basque Country) for Spitfire Wheels

Filmed / edited by Phil Zwijsen

Javi Saavedra x shqmm 2019

“Javi Saavedra returns to the load with a combined part of street and transition, in a multitude of spots and with the originality that characterizes him.” – Skate Hastaquememate

“Growth” Jacob Fisher aka slash

Jacob Fisher part for Local AF apparel. Filmed / edited by Jamie Jacobson.

David Sanchez – Morocco edit (rough cut)



Danglers 6.9

Video/edit: Denver Danglers


Skaters from Grenoble, France killing some epic spots around Grenoble and new mega diy spots in the French Alps.
Video/edit: Cho Sept


Featuring: Adrien Burguiere – Paul Leroy – Benjamin Frayce – Thomas Andre – Romain Delatour – Guillaume Guénée – Julien Benoliel – Jerome Dutang – Guillaume Challet – Punky – Alex Deragopian – Pierre Garcin – Jean Michel Paltoogloo – Yohan Pisani – Leo Sastre – Noah Marchetti & Friends. Filmed and edited by Thomas André and Romain Delatour.

Tyler Yuraszeck – “Anywhere but There”

Filmed / Edited by Carson Reuther

One Day in Wilhelmsburg in Hamburg, Germany with Benny Voges and Camdon Davis


Featuring: Kyle KJ, Josh KJ, Jesse Cobb, Alex “Mant” Pérez, Mike “Darkness” Barnes, Raymond Hertz, and Keegan Root. Filmed and edited by Debow @fritzflynnn

FDR – 4th of July – 2019

Filmed and edited by Andrew Metzger @gnarhammered




Filmed & edited by Mikko Björk and Jaro Serlas

Basque Pool Series 2019 – La Kantera

Filmed and edited by J. Hay

Go Skate”Building” Day Vans X Bobila D.I.Y. 2019

A short documentary made by Sbec about the construction of the new bank at Bobila Skateproject in Badalona, Spain

Sin Ollie 3 – Javier Saavedra

Filmed by Nahikari Pérez and Santiago Canle.

Spine Damage – Sants station, Barcelona

Ryan Maddox – SSDD PART 2

Same shit different day. Filmed by Sad Filmer and Stone Bear. Music by Flipper and Nirvana. Thanks Black Label Skates, Hoax MFG, and We Are Trench. – @ryanmaddox


A pool skating film by Tyler Hopkins, featuring Marcel Martinez, Cory Segura, Joe Dirt, Brandon Perelson, John Worthington, Chris Cope and more…


REMBIEL siano DIY spot – Lodz, Poland (r.i.p 2017-2018)

John Worthington’s “Backyard Burn Down” | OJ Wheels

Filmed by: Josh Henderson


Extras from Never Say Never.


Edited by Jeff Biedenbach


Unemployed Skate Co. & Friends around France featuring: Victor Campillo, Matisse Banc, Ben Raitano, Erildo Boccacci, Tony Rafanomezana, Jerome Dutang, Thomas André, Sofiane Ouertani, Gregoire Mazeaud, Djafar Vial, Brian Gonzales, Noah Toro, Pierre Pauselli, Guillaume Colucci, Bastien Drouhaud, Anthony Renaud, Leo Cholet, Pj Chapuis, Nassim Lachhab, Michael Kaba, Jacsques Duschesne and Elliot Wright.

Dumb Ape Tour

Gio Grazzani and Simone Verona spent 10 days traveling around the west coast of Italy driving a 3 wheeled italian vehicle. With no plans but just an idea to build diy spots and skate them, they filled the pickup with cement, sleeping bags and tools and started the journey.

Sammy Anderson – “Engorile” video part

Film/Edit: Dr. Drunk. Music: Roka Curtiada “Frontera”

M & M Pool in South France

Filmed / edited by Jérome Dutang @dandjerous

Morocco Loco – Round Two

One year later all of the locals are shredding and the park of Taghazout became the favorite place for young marocain people want to camp and skate every days. Featuring Elliott Auffray. Video / edit: Léo Poulet

Dylan Dowd / Evergreen Blues

A glimpse into skateboarding around rural Washington featuring Dylan Dowd. Shot on 16mm film. Film & Edit / Ben Ericson

Six Side DIY – Vancouver Island

Filmed / edited by @tube_ovision

Six Side DIY – Vancouver Island

Filmed / edited by @tube_ovision

Drew Bieschke’s battle at White Banks in Eugene, Oregon

Filmed by Calvin Ngo and Alden Elias


video / edit: Andrew Metzger

GOOD RIDE – Small Beating Skateboard Co.

Filmed / edited by David Duesterberg

ON THE CUSP: His Hands Built a Skatepark, His Spirit Built a Community.

10 minute award winning short film on Tommy Cuba, local at Shorty’s who was one of the main skaters behind the under the bridge diy project that has since been mostly destroyed. Directed by Yuri Alves.

Beastmode – Denis Supersaxo

Shot & Edited Nicolas Büchi

Confusion Magazine – “NO SKATEPARKS”

Filmed and edited by Andrew Jimenez
Skaters in order of appearance: “Stinky” Steve Williams, Aaron Gomez, Paul Miller, Kyle McLeod, Garrett Kilburger, Diego Delacerda, Daniel Vargas, Aiden Campbell, Nic Rivera, “Spicy” Nic Muller, Nic Gnar, Josh Mattson, Cesar Jimenez, Mike Berdis, Andrew Miller, Daymein Hertenstein, and Jaime Mateu.


Cal Young Clothing presents DAWNING – featuring Mason Bucknell, Nick Propios, Drew Bieschke, Caleb “Peep Game” Grant, Ralph Medrano, Jeff Biedenbach, Tim McCoy, Zack Royal, Shane Allison, Adrian Hernandez, Calvin “Bloodbath” Ngo & Noah Johnson. Filmed & Edited By: Drew Bieschke.


Alex Hallford and Jesse Thomas powering through a duel on a quiet Friday evening at Nottinghams finest skateboarding establishment Flo Skatepark with a special guest appearance by Rio Obyrne. Filmed and Edited by Forde Brookfield.

Confusion – NW Homies edit

Featuring Julian Reyes, A’won Hus Story, Drew Bieschke, and Aiden Caruth. Filmed / edited by Andrew Jimenez @drsalsaverde

The Home of Good Times: Boheme DIY Park

420 tons of moved and molded material. 144 tons of concrete. 481 sqm of hand-stack concrete. 5 years of work. This is Boheme DIY Park. English subtitles.

Molten Trucks Rails

Molten trucks moulded into skateboard rails. More info at

Merrick Orr’s SKATANIC Part

Filmed & edited @tube_ovision

Confusion – JB’s LOST EDIT

Filmed / edited by Jeff Biedenbach. Skaters in order of appearance: James Alby, Shawn Baravetto, JB, Donovan Rice, Paul Fujita, Gabe Stoltz, Drew Bieschke, Ace Pelka, Brooks Bushman, Riley Stevens, Greg Harbour, Jeff Cobb, and Taylor Hoagland.


Bryggeriet presents Dorkzone, a film by Phil Evans and Mike O’Shea.

BAGHEAD 3 – trailer part

Merci Marseille from Hell Yeah Son
Featuring Alex Hallford, Jordan Thackeray, Sam Beckett, Chloé Bernard, Helena Long, George Poole, Dannie Carlsen, and more…

Drew Bieschke – Powerflex Wheels – Raw Clips


Bart Saric’s ’48 and I Still Love 2 SK8′ Skateboarding Part, Represented in the Newest ‘Skater Made’ Team Film /DVD “EVERYTHING WENT SKATE” Keeping The Stoke on course for the fun and longevity of it .

JAY FAIRMAN part – Plague Hardware

Filmed / edited by Jeff Biedenbach / @plaguehardware

Southern California Pools

Filmed by Zach Cusano and Chuck Pontone
Edited by Johannes Hirschmann

DRAINED – a ditch tour video

Biberbowl Skateboard opening – Bavaria, Germany

Edited by Martin Ehrenberger

Javier Saavedra – Sin Ollie 2

Basque Country for Old Men

Featuring Marc Churchill, Mark Munson, Carl Wilson, French and Jerome Loughran

Cal Young crew – Tricks for Treats – Eugene, Oregon

Filmed and edited by Jeff Biedenbach

Ryan Maddox SSDD PART 2018

“Wrong side of the lens for my 40th birthday. Curbs and coping, same shit different day. Choose death.” – Ryan Maddox
Filmed by: Stone Bear, Sad Filmer, Jake the Jeweler, Baby Nate, Dill Rodriquez, Monico Candelaria, Georgia Owen, Brent Hyden, Troy Gonzales, Gush, Jer Wooten, and Lance Mountain.


Filmed by Jonathan Hay. Edited by Johannes Hirschmann and Jonathan Hay.



Filmed and Edited by Bart Saric

Drew Bieschke – Crete Sandwich Vol. 2

Furchtbare Bärenattacke im Aichhalder Loch

Video from various skate trips around europe this summer featuring southern German skaters: juli, jan, schianta, david, max, tim, nico, stjepan, andi, timo, fabio, manu, g.i.jey, cedric, RW. Edited by Max Shrädder


Filmed / edited by Andrew Metzger

Loveletters Season 9: Mark “Monk” Hubbard | Jeff Grosso’s Loveletters

Loveletters to skateboarding dedicated to Mark ‘Monk’ Hubbard’s life work in concrete skateparks and diys around the world. “Mark “Monk” Hubbard was a skateboarder, artist, musician, builder, dreamer, and visionary. This Loveletter is a tribute to Monk in his own words.” Music: Grindline the Band

The American Experience

Starring Jonathan Sjöberg. Featuring Donovan Rice and Ethan DeMoulin
Filmed & edited by Henry Forsnor / Baeonci.


Filmed and edited by: Carly Cunningham. Featured skaters: Gavin Rosenberg, Alex Buncy, Mike Jones, Sean Powderly, Henry Pham, Zach Paup, Kyle Wilhelm, Ryan Cardone, Chuck Pontone, Jeff Rasp, Ben Hull, Ralph Basciano, Alder Wilson, Zach Cusano, Mike Bakken, Adam Mercado, Kyle Nicholson, Charlie Weiss, Dave Hunt, Donnie Hixson, Kyle Walker, Zion Wright, Chris Gedney, Mikey Leven, Nico Trevizo, Jesse McEneaney, Jordan Beverly, Greg Pachell, Dickie Hagernaut, Tyler Yuraszeck, Darren Menditto, Ishod Wair, Ricky Santiago, Kevin Baekkel, Steve Wells, Sean Plundeke, Tom Loreaux, Tommy Collins, Tyler Collins, Angus McGillivray Smith, Brandan Zombek,Justin Williamson, and Hans Frank.


Filmed / edited by David Duesterberg
Permission was shot entirely on 16mm film short ends of various stocks, using a Krasnogorsk-3 Russian wind-up camera. The film was shot over several years, and many trips down to Fresno in an attempt to document how some motivated individuals in the midst of a disastrous drought and struggling economy have caused the pool skating scene to thrive.

Antiz Skateboards’ “Echoes Of The Road” – Full video

Directed by Ludovic Azemar with Gabriel Engelke, Samuel Partaix, Remy Taveira, Peter Molec, Yeelen Moens, Robin Bolian, Mickael Germond, Pepe Tirelli, Quentin Boillon, Samu Karvonen, Roland Hirsch, Thanos Panou, Victor Pellegrin, Teemu Pirinen, Michel Mahringer, Uryann Raudet, Julien Bachelier

Small Beating – Mammoth 2018

Filmed / edited by David Duesterberg

TEMPLE – A monochrome skateboarding quest

Written and Directed by Pierre David & Douglas Guillot

Niv Halpern – “Back to Life” – video part

Powerflex Wheels – Drew Bieschke & Noah Johnson – West Coast Boogie

Video / edit by CYC Skate


Bowlmasters 2018 – Brixlegg, Austria

WESUCK in Namibia

Starring Peter Stromberger, Arne Fiehl vom BOARDSTEIN, and David Marlo Conrads.

The Wrong Way To Trip – Denver Danglers part

Filmed & Edited by Andrew Metgzer / Gnarhammered Skateboards

Support Your Local DIY 4 – Beaulieu DIY – France

Film & Edit: Bastien Regeste


Featuring Jeff Rasp, Alder Wilson, Ryan Miller, Andrew Metzger, Brad Hoffman, Scott Kimec, Ralph Bascaiano, Henry Pham, Ryan Cardone, and Gavin Rosenberg. Filmed by Carli Cunningham and Travis Boerner. Edited by Henry Pham

Assault Skateboards – “Lay Down your Weapons”

Featuring: Ace Pelka, Shonn Oquendo, Garrett Lekas, Mike Bricke, Tiger Jones, Brooks Bushman and Riley Kozerski. Edit: ShonnO

Gavin Rosenberg’s part from the latest Gnarhammered full length video “The Wrong Way to Trip“.

Filmed and edited by Andrew Metzger. Additional filming by Carly Cunningham.

Jesse Cobb – insta-remix 2018 (151 skateboards)

Abraham Torres (12 years old) from Cantabria, Spain. Part for Gorila Skateshop.

Fried Lines with Elijah Akerley

Filmed by Tadashi Filters

Saint Denis

A documentary presented by Carhartt WIP about the life and times of Denis Lynn, a talented skater who grew up too fast on the streets of Belfast Northern Ireland. The documentary chronicles Denis’ life and follows him as he struggles to stay on the right path while trying to maintain his life as a professional skater. Filmed / edited by Phil Evans



Filmed and edited by Sean Nguyen and Skibi Bobaj.


Featuring in order of appearance: Brandon Perelson, Abbas Ochoa, Chris Cope, Willis Kimbel, Patrick Ryan, Jerry Gurney, Omar Hassan, Crazy Kyle, Jason Landau, Arto Saari, Rowan Zorilla, Shaun Ross. Filmed / edited by: Grant Levy


Archer Braun For Vagrant

Filmed by: Collin Schwartz • Song: Big Guy “Test Recordings”

POOL PARTY from Ballifornia video from Truckstop Sk8 shop. Ballina, NSW, Australia.

Featuring Jakob Robinson, Shem Bragg, jerry Burke, brook Thompson, Luke and Simon Carver. Filmed by Tony Tony Turmel Chavez and Dave Adair

Jeff Biedenbach x Confusion Magazine

Jeff Biedenbach rides for Assault Skateboards and is a filmer / editor for Confusion Magazine. JB is also the owner of Plague Hardware.


MANS-E-RAMA session at the Kenneli DIY featuring Willis Kimbel, Chris Russell, Bjørn Lillesøe, Simon Karlsson, Ginger and more…
Video by Mikko Björk / Jaro Serla. Music by Terrori ennen kuolemaa.

Dumb Skateboards 2018 promo video

Dumb Skateboards 2018 promo featuring Daniel Cardone, Matteo Carmagnini, Giulio Pietroiusti, Chicco Di Paolo, Alessio Zanfeim, Simone Verona, Tom Derichs, Giovanni Grazzani, Nicola Giordano, and Raffaele Pola.

Chris Russel and Cory Juneau – longest boardslide in Brazil

Chris Russell and Cory Juneau tying for first place at the best trick last weekend on the Oi Park Jam in Praia Brava in Itajaí City, Brazil. Video by Diego Zeferino

David Sanchez part – Consolidated Skateboards “Never Say Never”

Music: Poison idea – “Taken by Surpise”
Music/words written by Jerry A. Lang published by Richie Dagger Music.

Warriors Family – Protagonist Arrogance

Edit: Roy Clavadetscher. Filming: Sean Nguyen, Alan Maag, Skibi Bobaj, Roy Clavadetscher, Dennis Gallicchio, Andres Bignasca, the Warriors and friends. Featuring: Fabrizio Lucchini, Simone Chiolerio, Roy Clavadetscher, Matteo Terrani, Dennis Gallicchio, Daniel ‘Schianta’ Lepori, Livio Gritti, Igor Fardin, Andres Bignasca, Federico Boldini, Kevin Blaser, Niki Paltenghi, Gilles Gallicchio, Daniele ‘Testa’ Cereghetti, Alex Treter, Marcel Samesand, Sebastian Gandt, Manu Rezzonico, Luciano Simonetti, Moris Freiburghaus, Stephan Willi, Francesco Ghielmetti, Dino Brandao, Will Twala, Simone Bignasca, Adrien Marco, Mark Flückiger, Sven Kilchenmann, Timmey, Batti, Enrico Giovannini, Emanuele Pizzali, Kilian Zehnder, Mirco Bitterli, Martino Cattaneo, Gian Matteuzzi, Damian & Lucio Stamerra, Simone ‘Sacco’ Cera.

Vagrant “Sketchy Rollers” in the Pacific North West

Featuring Vagrant team riders: Chris Livingston, Zane Timpson, Elijah Akerley, Brendan Villanueva, Jojo Heffington, and Ryan Hill. Filmed & Edit By: Coburn Huff. Additional Zane Timpson

Holiday in Morocco

Filmed / Edited by Poulet Léo


Skate Crime – Northwest Destruction Tour

Felony Flatspotters by Jivaro Wheels

Josh “SKREECH” Sandoval. Burnside loop.

Burnside Skatepark – Halloween 2017 – Portland Oregon

Souta Tomikawa – US Tour 2017

Berber Brüder (How we skated 20 different countries in less than a year)

Annapurna Skatepark (Short Documentary)

Video by Outtallecturals

FDR Skatepark – Sober vs. Wasted – 2017

Confusion Magazine x Denver Danglers

Denver Danglers and friends featuring Chuck Pontone, Alex Buncy, Mike Jones, Gavo Rosenberg, Jordan Beverly, and Zach Cusano.

2er – Builders Jam – 2017

Craig Questions – Magic Sticky Hand 2 – Heroin Skateboards

No Fun Intended – Gnarhammered Skateboards

Jaime Mateu – “Give Me the Power!” – B Sides

La Kantera Pro 2017 – Getxo, Basque

Support Your Local DIY 3: Beaulieu DIY Jame – France

Cherry Bowl Bash 4 – Horst Club – Switzerland

Young Rat and homies clip

WALLSHIT – Matt Tozer

Confusion Magazine – shralpin’ around (volume 3)

Air + Style 2017 – Innsbruck, Austria

Wild at the Zoo with Chris Cope

PLAGUE HARDWARE – Confusion magazine edit

FUCK FEAR DRINK BEER – Port Land DIY – Basel, Switerzland

Jaime Mateu – Three days in Valencia with Cuervo Rat

Halloween at Portside DIY

Burnside Halloween 2016

Confusion Magazine – shralpin’around (volume 2)

The (almost) Complete Guide to Nor Cal’s DIY Spots

La Kantera Pro Pool Contest 2016

Assault Skateboards at Vista

Assault Skates – Welcome to Prince Park

Zach Cusano’s Vert ramp party – May 2016


Team Trouble Laax

Confusion Magazine – shralping around (volume 1) – San Diego to the North West

Zach Cusaso’s xmas Skarty

La Kantera book release session – December 17th, 2015

Building 少し東京DIY with the Urban Skate Project (Little Tokyo DIY)

Euro Gypsy Trip

Lincon City “Sweet Sixteen” Bowl Bash

John ‘Dana’ Allison

Damn Pool Party – France

Le Chai bowl – France

Lohse party 2015 – Cologne, Germany

Bergfest 2015 – Peace, Love and Skateboarding – Münster, Germany

Pink Motel – 6th annual Camtest/Tuckfest: A Benefit for Cancer charities

Switchblades and Urethane Music Festival: Mike Vallely’s Revolution Mother

Confusion in Berlin – Shitfootmongoland x Betonhausen – featuring the Warriors and friends

Truckstop Skate shop – ZFlex BSFW (Build.Skate.Film.Win) 2015 – Creekside DIY – Byron Bay, Australia

Palmdale Pool Project

Kevin Kowalski – off the roof – Nimbin skatepark – Australia

Skreech backyard pool annihilation session

North Brigade re-opening – Cologne, Germany

Swampy’s part for Baghead Kills

Concrete Corner Episode 02: Basic Tools

Antwerp Skate Depot – Saturday night session (part 2 – OMSA Pool)

Antwerp Skate Depot – Saturday night session (part 1 – ramps)

Concrete Corner Episode 01: Patch DIY

Super… Pool Sunday

Fiesta Des Ursulines – Bruxelles, Belgium – 2014

Skartable DIY Skate Spot

Hallows Eve Bowl Bash 2014 – Etnies Skatepark of Lake Forest


Carlos Arellano Benefit / Contest

Come Together Skate Jam – Cologne, Germany

Grandpa’s DIY – La Selva Beach, California

Ramp Jam V – Belgium countryside

Weekend at Derby – Santa Cruz, California – September 2013

Lohse Party 2013 – Cologne, Germany

Hullet DIY – Copenhagen, Denmark – Lifeblood / Independent session – August, 2012

Best of Both – Düsseldorf, Germany – Day 2 – OMSA Pool – 2013

Owl Bowl 2012 – Cologne, Germany – Skate Contest at North Brigade

Any given Friday: Buena Vista Pool – Watsonville, California

Cruise & Booze “Bowl Session and Party Extravaganza”. Area 51 skatepark, Eindhoven. Holland. March 23, 2013

Vert Attack 6 – Malmö, Sweden – 2012

Whip’s Eel Do surf and skate party – Portugal

Fiesta Des Ursulines – Bruxelles, Belgium – May 2012

Zarosh and the Goat Bowl. California.

One Night in Wonderland – Christiania, Denmark

Bergfest 2012 – Münster, Germany

Faelledparken skatepark session. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Fernando Elvira – Faith Software Actualized – Germany 2012

Ultrabowl 4: Malmö, Sweden

Bowl Attack – Scandinavia – Bryggeriet Bowl in Malmö, Sweden (part 2 of 3)

R.O.W. – Rednecks on Wood – Live at Fiesta Des Ursulines – Brussels, Belgium

Baum’s Ramp. Aachen, Germany

Bowl Attack – Scandinavia – Copenhagen & Malmö (part one)

Graveside Hawaii

Deadwood on Wheels – Arty Farty x Wasted Box x ELZO

Vert Attack 5 – Malmö, Sweden – 2011

Malmö DIY – Sibbarp Skatepark, Sweden – May 14th, 2011

OWL BOWL opening at Northbrigade: Cologne, Germany

Bergfest: Battle of the Monster Bowl – July 16th, 2011

Mexican Motorheads: Towing in to Mexican Beach Break

Out of Stock: Stockwell Skatepark Exhibition. Stockwell, London

Back to Old School III: Antwerp, Belgium – September 11th & 12th, 2010

Impakt Skateboards Easter Run: Southern Germany & Austria

Teahupoo, Tahiti – Spring 2011

Barrier Barge – Ballina Skatepark – New South Wales, Australia

Lohse Ramp “Locals Only” Low Budget Party

Hossegor Surf: South West France – September 2010

Pirate Ship – Hossegor, France – OMA BBQ Bowl Session


Best of Both III – Düsseldorf, Germay – August 28th, 2011

Interview with Zarosh on building DIY project: CACHAGUA LAND

ULTRA BOWL II – Malmö, Sweden (Semis / Finals) – August 22nd, 2010

ULTRA BOWL II – Malmö, Sweden (Qualifications) August 21st, 2010

Siegburg concrete and Hof mini Ramp in Bonn, Germany

Blackcross Bowl – Basel Switzerland

European Skateboard Championships – Basel, Switzerland: ESC 10th Anniversary (Half Pipe)

Sondika – Basque Country: 10 grinds in 60 seconds

Under the Bridge: Köln, Germany, with YAMA & IMPAKT SKATEBOARDS

Under the Bridge: Köln, Germany

Velodrome Bowl – Oostende, Belgium – Opening Day

Netherlands Concrete Cruising Trip en route to Oostende, Belgium

Grandpa’s Bonus Footage – DIY spot in Santa Cruz, California

Danger!…Sean Gutierrez in Germany

Adam Benson @ Grandpa’s

Malmö, Sweden – Skate weekend


Impakt Skateboards: night in Brussels

Wasted Box skateshop opening skate party – Cologne, Germany

Basque Skate Sessions at La Kantera and Guernika – August, 2009

Impakt crew take on Siegburg, Germany

Oakland Black Bottom Pool with Matt Neely (RIP)

What Sharks? Surfing on the North Coast of Santa Cruz

Zarosh’s Cacahagua Land DIY Skate Project

LohseRampe Party Köln – 2010

Guerilla Grafitti with Bonom – Brussels, Belgium

Brusk Collective’s: Fiesta Des Ursulines – featuring Consolidated Skateboards