Brusk Collective / Consolidated Skate Team in Brussels/Belgium

This Saturday, May 8th, is the Fiesta Des Ursulines, in the Square des Ursulines in Brussels, Belgium.
This event celebrates Brusk Collective’s success of their social-urbanistic project of creating the bowl in the Square des Ursalines 4 years ago.
Consolidated team rider’s SEAN GUTIERREZ, DANGER & ROBERTO ALEMAN will be skating it up between punk bands, local Belgium Beer tastings, fireworks with an “anarchistic” live band.

Photo Contest #4

So we’re working hard on the first print issue of CONFUSION MAGAZINE here at the Confusion Headquarters, but don’t want to leave you hanging waiting for some new content on the website, so we’re having a contest. WIN A FREE ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO CONFUSION MAGAZINE.


Contest #3 No one was even close. NAME THE SKATER, NAME THE SKATE SPOT Photos: J. Hay