Greifi Pool Bash 2024 – Greifswalder DIY – Berlin, Germany

The Greifi Pool turned one year old this summer and we celebrated it with a big bash. Stuff for tricks and everyone – doesn’t matter what size, wheels, gender, or skills – was welcome to shred. People showed up and contributed their best.

Schetg Gru Mini Madness – Laax, Switzerland

The Riders Club turns into more than just a party venue and skaters from all over Switzerland come up to LAAX to celebrate the annual mini-ramp contest in the nightclub.


BBQ DIY crew summer road trip skate tour to Slovenia, Austria, and Hungary.

The Bridge DIY – Grenoble, France

Halloween is always a good moment to gather people in order ta have fun and drink beers while listening to punk rock music.

BBC DIY – Halloween Jam – France

Our annual event has been transformed into a small festival! Sound system, homemade food, craft beer, fire show, the whole story!