Mike Yonkers. Frontside grind. Photo: Jon Steele

Graveside DIY – Hawaii

Graveside, appropriately named, sits next to a real grave yard and is in all essence a hardcore bowl to skate. The location is beautiful but still raw.

My girlfriend Anna sunbathing as we finish the first pour of the summer. Notice T-Mo's unfinished graffiti post on the top left of the pool. That guy is cut for life.

Hermann’s Hole DIY – Missouri

“I guess I’ll start with Thrasher Skate Rock…. I thought because my place is in the middle of nowhere… that very few people would show up on a Monday night. But I was wrong.. The weekend was full of skating, creating and positive energy, until Thrasher showed up…” – JP Kraus

MY DIY overview.

MY D.I.Y. – Atwater, California

“I’ve been doing concrete work for about fifteen years. It was just a job and had never occurred to me to use my knowledge of concrete for skateboarding until I met the Vagabond crew.” – Gene Boles