Backside wallride. Photo: Loïc Benoit

Down by the River: DIY in Southern France with Bastien Marlin

I’ve never been satisfied to just skate the surrounding spots in my area. I’m always looking for new places and when I can’t find something I’d like to skate, I build a new spot or change one that needs fixing to make it skateable.

Psyland – Maya pool 2.0 – Germany

The notorious LITTLE SWASTIKA is re-creating his previous diy pool project, Maya Pool in his new spot called Psyland in southern Germany. There’s a lot of digging going down each day, and in the evening Marc (aka Little Swastika) has his Kritzerl Krazel art show at the Neuwerk großser Saal in Konstanz, Germany, where he will be doing a massive back piece tattoo on four people, open to the public to experience this live art tattoo performance piece.