BBC DIY – Halloween Jam – France

Our annual event has been transformed into a small festival! Sound system, homemade food, craft beer, fire show, the whole story!

Ramputene DIY – Donostia, Basque Country

It rains a lot around here, and despite having public skateparks in the area, they are always full of scooters and there was no indoor park, so we got down to work and started cleaning everything to build a miniramp…

Aloha DIY – Sisteron, France

Aloha Skate Club is a skateboard club from the south of France, dedicated to the development of skate culture and a DIY spot.

Wild Session: Wild Bowl – Savona, Italy

The Wild Sesh opened wide the hell’s door and devils appeared. Near-tropical rain kept the service blocked until 5:00 p.m., then the sun broke out, the bowl dried out, and the session took off. Indro Martinenghi, Andrea Calgaro, Tommy Cova and Paolo Fenino were the bowlriders who best interpreted Wildbowl’s lines…