2er Builders Jam – Hannover, Germany – Part 1 & 2

On arrival I don’t think anyone really knew what we were getting ourselves in for the following week back in early June in Hannover, Germany. The basic idea was that the 2 er – ‘the two stair’ Crew had the idea to invite D.I.Y (Do It Yourself) Skate crews from all corners of Europe to come to their spot and each team would be given 3 days to build something.

Miniramp Wave – Heilbronn, Germany

Just friends doing what they love and what they live for. Doing concrete stuff. this mini-wave-ramp is the beginning of a bigger project. but who knows what happens?

Slaughterhouse DIY – France

It was built in in a old slaughterhouse. It was known as Abbatoire 16 which means Slaugtherhouse 16 in french.