Peter Boccalini - frontside crailslide

Weekend Defocus at Le Chai bowl in France

In early February this year, Jeremy, the owner invited the whole team Defocus Skateboards team to test the concrete. The bowl was just finished two weekends before, the pool coping adjusted, and a special product put on the concrete to clean it.

ABC bowl / 7-77 bowl construction

I have my garden, I am manual worker, I understand approximately how to build a concrete bowl. I had to take the time needed, behind my straight face it is vital for me – a sort of question of life or death.

Backside wallride. Photo: Loïc Benoit

Down by the River: DIY in Southern France with Bastien Marlin

I’ve never been satisfied to just skate the surrounding spots in my area. I’m always looking for new places and when I can’t find something I’d like to skate, I build a new spot or change one that needs fixing to make it skateable.

872 DIY bowl project – France

DIY spot in France (Thouars in Deux-Sevres). This is the 872 DIY bowl project, just near a bridge which was built by Gustave Eiffel company in 1872.

Slaughterhouse DIY – France

It was built in in a old slaughterhouse. It was known as Abbatoire 16 which means Slaugtherhouse 16 in french.

Fatix DIY – Paris

I hate my parents can still resonate in the adolescent head of the skateboarder you are. It’s perhaps still the case, but try to love your friends’ parents because they could agree to give you part of their garden to build a sort of Steppe Side style / DIY skate spot. I don’t know them but I start to love them too.

Julien Benoliel. Backside smith. Photo: Damien Raveau - LeSiteduSkateboard

La Friche DIY Bowl – Marseille, France

Designed by concrete killer Julien Benoliel from Marseille, the bowl is being built for the “Julien Benoliel’s DIY bowl invitational contest” taking place April 26th. If you didn’t hear about it, well, I guess you weren’t invited.

Low Holly DIY – Nantes, France

Inspired by Pontus Alv’s concrete sculptures, the first part of this private mini-skatepark began in August 2010, based on night and rainy construction sessions on an rough unused slab of an old farm. It includes several walls, a tall bump, a grindable bank, 2 quarterpipes and a fun pool coping spine in the middle. A corner was just added in august 2012. Low Holy is a nice spot in the middle of nowhere in the northwest part of France, in the city of Nantes, which has already received a lot of visitors and some heavy sessions

Pont Bellevue D.I.Y – Nantes, France (fundraising party)

This Saturday night (June 2nd) there will be a video premiere of “BREATHLESS”, a film by Arthur Bourdaud. The video features a lot of DIY spots so the locals at Pont Bellevue decided to organize a lottery and a fundraiser during the release of the DVD to get money to buy more concrete for their local “under the bellevue bridge” spot.